Left Foot Spinning In The Golf Swing

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Mark Crossfield says:

Left Foot Spinning In The Golf Swing: http://youtu.be/D1LVKL4zlyo?

Mark Crossfield says:

Left Foot Spinning In The Golf Swing: http://youtu.be/D1LVKL4zlyo?

Matthew Collins says:

There is no way you can diagnose without a swing. Probably he does it
because he shifts weight wrong, and he probably does this because his
backswing puts him in a bad position. I bet. No offence, but this video is
pointless, changing a foot spin for the sake of a foot spin is crazy.?

Seamus Griffin says:

I spin on the ball of my left foot on all full swings. The reason is that
I have no right leg below the knee and have very little muscle in what
remains. Once I commit to the downswing there is no going back! In a
really good swing my artifcial right leg steps through on the target line.
My left foot must rotate or I’d dislocate my left knee. They call me Mr
Boring at the club because I rarely miss the fairway….. therefore the
left foot rotation must happen after the ball is struck and so does not
matter. Thanks Mark for you great work.?

TrailTrackers says:

Another great video and answer Mark. This is so ironic that you answered
this question at this time. I was just reviewing video of myself because I
do this exacte same thing. My problem is a severely injured back that
limits my flexibility quite a bit. As I was reviewing my video, I noticed
that during impact my front foot is in the exact same position as when I’m
beginning my swing. It isn’t until long after impact (about a half second)
that I notice my front foot spins out, which I do to relieve pressure on my
back mostly.

Mark, I wasn’t at all surprised with your answer to this question. After
watching your videos all this time, I really think a lot of what you teach
is sinking in. I knew before I watched the video what your answer would be,
and I was right. That’s why I was reviewing my swing to see if my foot
spins before or after impact. Amazing.?

Jóhannes Bjarki Sigurðsson says:

I do that because of a wrecked left knee. Old football injury. I don’t
think I’d be able to play golf as much as I do if I wouldn’t turn my foot
out. ?

davefiver says:

Haha you sounded like Lockey then. “Ohh there’s a car back fired then”

Made me chuckle?

Jackson La says:

Just like bubba. I do the same because years of rugby. It takes the stress
out of my ankle ?

ImatatorMigs says:

Thanks! This helped a lot?

scotty195823 says:

If you read Hogan’s 5 fundamentals he advises flaring the front foot out to
assist clearing the hips on the through swing. My left foot used to spin
out and my pro told me not to worry about it as I was hitting the ball well
and had bigger things to think about. I now do flare my front foot out at
set up. At 56 years old I need to avoid stressing any part of my body. ?

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