Life Lessons from Golf (#267)

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VIDEOS EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR! BECOME A MUSCLE PRODIGY! Motivational Life Coaching: 1 On 1 Life Session w/ Jaret ? Free 7 Principles to Success…

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Great video jaret, some good lessons here?

Denis Karmalita says:

You should make a podcast Jaret!?

Devark Veyth says:

Awesome videos, thanks for making all these!

This one reminds me of the TED talk Victor Wooten gave about music, and the
Bruce Lee quote “Don’t think, feel”… the talk was called “Music as a
Language: Victor Wooten at TEDxGabriolaIsland” if anyone is interested. He
talked similarity, about how learning was more of an experience of allowing
you to express yourself….anyway

Real powerful stuff man, again, thanks for uploading.?

Minh Nguyen says:

great analogy?

CrazyMonkeysLive says:

Nice vid Jaret. Another way to say it is “focus on the donut, not the
hole.” ?

Angela P says:

Jaret, can you please make more iTunes albums out of your videos. I need
more motivation on the go! Thanks!?

John Vox says:

loved it!?

Tyler Cardone says:

THank you Jaret?

Erik Coleman says:

???? #PERFECTION ???????????

Dr. Nilay Bhatt says:

luv it?

Sebs3bs3b says:

Very true. Beside throwing a ball at a tree, that was how i learned to hit
a golf ball. like most people, i kept missing the ball or the ball would
just roll. One day, ny friend started asking me in a loud voice: “see the
ball?” I replied “yea? I am not blind you know.” He said “ok then just wack
it!” I got back to preping for my swing and after a few seconds, he asked
the same question again. Soon as i answered be would say “wack it then”. He
was doing that a few more times and stopped when I started repeating his
own words as I raise my club and said “wack it!” As it went down. After the
second time on, I was able to make solid contact. ?

luciano pavarotti says:

make sens, keep growing jaret, thank you. HM?

Charles Holley says:

I pay for your personal page and these videos are better, and they are
consistently new uploads. #makesnosense?

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