Moe Norman Magic – Orlando 2001 Priv. golf swing demo – Slow motion analysis

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Cloran says:

Any videos of the actual ball flight??

TheNYgolfer says:

I studied this swing a lot and feel somewhat qualified to comment on it.IMO
Moe’s “secret” was that he minimized the golf swing. ie: he restricted his
backswing so his hands only went shoulder high at maximum..This allowed him
to not move off the shaft plane he established at setup.In such a short
backswing he was able to produce enough resistance between upper and lower
body by using a wide stance and keeping both feet planted.This severely
restricts his hip turn and his shoulders only turn maybe 60 degrees.A
square to the arc clubface (no clubface manipulation) , nice wrist cock and
a natural (no wrist power applied) release. Result: straight down the
middle at the expense of distance :)?

Dahni Uru says:

imo, perfect practice makes perfect result. making poor practice shots will
result in poor shots on the course.

Drew Overholser says:

That’s cool Gilles. Where did you get to watch Moe putt and why do you
think he was such a great putter?

Ryan Salamone says:

from the top of the swing down Moe does what EVERY SINGLE GOOD PLAYER DOES.
he is no different. the things that are different are all backswing related.

Kirk Junge says:

You may want to compare his setup and grip to tour players. You may see a
difference. 😉

Gilles Verreault says:

i was lucky again to watch moe practicing his putting and it was always
pure hit putt..he could make a 15 feet putt 9 out 0f 10 times…

Kirk Junge says:

Oh man, and I thought that every person’s swing was different. There goes
that theory! LOL

maxxsee says:

Only in younger years.

Kirk Junge says:

There is a such a thing as single plane golf, and you just need to take the
time to understand what is meant by the term as it applies to Moe’s golf
swing. Single plane means that you setup on the same plane that you make
impact on, as Moe did.That is what defines a single plane golf swing. Visit
my website for more info.

maxxsee says:

He was good like you said cause he practised more than anyone else. But not
the least his swing “balanced him”. This is very different from a
conventional swing… A LOT easier for sure to be consistant.

mikepa67 says:

Moe had very strong legs.

earltpt says:

LOL ….point taken. All I am saying is that all people who swing a golf
club use…in essence…the same muscle groups in the same relative way
,when i run i use my body in exactly the same way as Usain Bolt…only hes
a bit quicker than me! CHEERS

mikepa67 says:

it’s important to start the clubface behind the ball about 3 inches with
the irons. if I start the take away with the clubface directly behind the
ball with Moe’s grip, my right shoulder is too low and spine are not in a
good position for the back swing. when I started a few inches behind the
ball I hit it very solid. Moe had this swing down to a science. I went from
about 100 to low 80’s with this swing.

Dan Channer says:

Thanks for putting this up there. I reckon if Moe stopped at the 3/4 finish
position his swing would not look all that different – just a bit short.
IMO the twirly finish was irrelevant because the ball was long gone by that
point, as you can see in the slow-mo. The heart of his swing was good.

Peter Ingalls says:

Good one!

Craig Hergenhan says:

55 professional wins….how many more wins do you want?

golfmaniac007 says:

you can’t pass levels just by practice practice practice. golf is a game of
science where certain proper techniques have to be attained to play at a
high level.

mike smith says:

This sort of makes the teaching pros who hook you up to machines, vid
screens, tons of wires, look a little foolish.

earltpt says:


ray mitchell says:

Someone should have guided Moe through his career. He was a champion and
deserved more from the golfing bodies. He earned his swing alone hitting
tons of balls like Hogan without an instructor – He played many sub 60
rounds with over a dozen hole-in-one shots. Titleist stepped up and
sponsored him during the remaining years of his life – and thats why I only
play there ball. The ball Moe played. Someone needs to produce a movie
about his life.

MaTriixX says:

If he was so good at ball striking why didn’t he win more?

Seth Pech says:

never gets his right foot off the ground until after the shot! I can name a
couple modern day ball striking geniuses who also do this like Sergio and
Rory, both dont lift up there right foot until after contact maybe minimal
but for the most part they keep it down.

Kirk Junge says:

I wonder how he won 55 professional events, and shot 59 three times with 3
putts per hole? LOL

TheTyang101271 says:

This is great….

Tomas Yanez says:

music is awesome. moe swing is awesome. awesome video overall.

Dan Channer says:

By his own admission he hated putting.

sparko2012 says:

You can see from side on how much he float loads it

Steve O says:

You don’t need to practice much with this swing. I converted to this single
plane style 3 weeks ago. Whenever I do practice, people stop and watch me
hit every ball straight down the line.

dukeofbc says:

anyone who try’s to convince you that there is such a thing as a single
plane golf swing has not got a clue about the golf swing. The golf swing
varies from a flat to a up rite. Moe’s swing is up rite but by no means the
most up rite swing in the game. So you say why was Moe so good?? Here is
the secret, PRACTICE PRACTICE and more PRACTICE. As i tell all my students
hitting a thousand balls a day will help make you a great player. This was
also Moe’s belief. Moe loved the range.

sahand vakilzadeh says:

none of you will understand this. moe was good because he didn’t care about
mechanics he developed his technique through practice the rest is he trust
himself and is not scared most golfers have so much fear in them and all
they think about is negative nonsense.

drewster85 says:

seriously on plane

Ryan Silver says:

great vid- thx

Sk Ks says:

If you’d seen my pile of crap, you wouldn’t be saying that.

Sk Ks says:

If your swing isn’t doing you any favours, continuing to do that swing
1,000 times is just going to reinforce your bad habit.

kanginmo95 says:

bcus he is not good in putting always 3putt


Yes, as Lee Trevino said, “Moe Norman was a Golfing Genius”. No question he
was the “Rainman” of Golf and few recognized it. He could have been one of
the greatest legends on the PGA tour had they understood what they had in
their midst!! He hit it dead straight, something few said was possible,
even Hogan called straight shots an accident, while Moe said, “Well I am
having alot of accidents”!!

odonnell113 says:

Where can I download that music? Just kidding.

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