Moe Norman Private Golf Demo Ballstriking Exhibition 2001 Orlando – Best golf video

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Heisenberg says:

How far did this guy hit it compared to others??

bill dolan says:

Any word on when the movie ” dancing the greens” is to be released???

Jonathan Steinmann says:

This is one of the worst shot videos. Constant shaking, moving, and
grinding of the tripod parts. Painful to watch.?


moes not exactly wouldnt see tiger blow his load after hitting
a wedge straight?

Straightupshooter says:

You guys who think Moe is arrogant or nuts obviously didn’t know the man.
He had a medical condition that effected his personality. Whatever you
feel about him, he was by far the greatest ball striker who ever lived.
He can out shoot anyone for accuracy, including Tiger or anyone of the
legends like Nicklaus, Palmer, Snead, etc.. Ken Venturi called him the
greatest ball striker who ever played the game. A golf genius was Moe.?

bill dolan says:

I saw Moe hit balls a few months before he died. I noticed him a while
after me and a friend took turns swinging. He just sat there twirling his
driver with his down for the longest time. I think after he over heard me
and my friend discussing the swing he probably couldn’t take it anymore. He
gets up probably hits 10 -15 balls in a row and after the 3rd strike with
me standing behind the shots he’s making I find myself almost shaking with
fear at the fact that this man who was told ill to make it to Florida can
after sitting for probably an hour get up and hit the exact and I mean
exact same spot on the back of the 100 yard dome one after another after
another. What a treat!?

imacfunk says:

Kirk did you have to get licensing permission from Todd Graves or does your
Natural Golf associations give you a free pass? He gets very pushy (lawyer
letters) when someone tries to share their own personal experience or
knowledge from Moe, especially if they don’t want to cut him in on any
proceeds. Just wondering, as a friend of mine just finished up a book on
his experience with Moe back when Moe was competing (1970s) with pictures
from an as-yet unreleased set of video sequences that are quite remarkable
and info that Moe shared with him on key aspects of his swing. Thanks.?

LostInTheNoise says:

Wish they had trackman back then?

Ryan Salamone says:

WHO is the guy taking numerous swings at the end……. why. not being
mean but damn that swing is rough.?

Antonio Santa says:

Moe Norman was not about distance, all he cared about is making solid
contact and going straight. He is the most accurate person to ever walk
this earth.?

Stuart Hill says:

Genius utter genius…. Watch his fireside talk as well….?

Doug McCann says:

This guy was one strange character. When he was in his prime, he hit the
ball like nothing ever seen, but as he aged he started to see things as he
wanted and not necessarily as they were. I love the no hands idea he
claims. ” Forward spin”… the spin is the stuff teaching pros put in his
head. He was art… not science.?

Lou Ciullo says:

Kirk…was Moe using a draw setup during this video??

Brian Stewart says:

what a golfer one of the best swings ever…Don’t believe me ask any golfer
on the senior tour they will all say the same…?

Kirk Junge says:

I know that he hit it far because I saw him many times in person, as did a
great many spectators. Moe is well known as the greatest striker of the
ball ever by those that actually saw him hit golf shots. Most likely you
are not in that category. Nobody is claiming that he won more tournaments
then anybody ever. Fact is that he hit the ball straighter then anybody
ever did.

Kirk Junge says:

That was a good one!! A Moe classic!!

Dr. Smegma says:

My friend…. I use this swing. It works, I promise you.

Kirk Junge says:

If you had ever known him, or had the good luck to see him in person you
would not call him a nut case. Most that saw him hit balls in person called
him a genius. The fact is that nobody hit the ball as straight as Moe. That
is a FACT.

imaxfli says:

He has a HUGE diameter grip!

Keith Tompkins says:

I’ve watched many videos of Moe…watch his head after impact, he looks off
to the right and then follows the ball path..interesting and I have no idea
why or what impact this would have on the swing or contact but I’m
convinced it’s specific to his style.

UcanThnkItuCanDoit says:

I’d be astonished if you could hit it this well with ANY swing

imacfunk says:

I finally got a copy of Manuel de la Torre and Ernest Jones’ books. I can
see the appeal they had to Moe. Also explains that you will get wrist cock
at the end of your take away and maintain it through the forward swing when
the arms swing “the whole club”. My biggest challenge now is to reduce my
amount of effort and to let the swing happen. When I look at the old Moe
sequences from the ’60’s I can really see that, even though he was doing a
lot of body positions, man was he swinging that club!

Shogunmir says:

Word is he was a functioning autistic, hardly arrogant.

SabbaghProductions says:

@oph0 the average length of drive off the tee for back in the days he
played was about 250, moe was hitting that off the tee. So your point makes
no sense because at his peak with today’s technology he easily would have
hit 280~290

Jaime Cevallos says:

Moe Norman was one arrogant dude

Kirk Junge says:

Actually most people gain distance swinging like Moe. There is nothing to
inhibit clubspeed with Moe*s technique. In the video he was also close to
70 years old!!!!

Kirk Junge says:

If you learn about Moe and what made him who he is you would understand
why. He did manage to shoot under 60 many times. Who else can say that? For
more about Moe visit Wikipedia. Putting is where he had his problems. His
method works from any lie, and is easier then conventional golf, but you
must understand how it works to be able to perform it.

ThePaybak says:

Moe Norman was a freak of golfing talent! He was the quintessential
“natural”. The fact that he was ridiculed and ostracized from the golfing
fraternity as a professional from the fans and other golfers alike robbed
this genius of multi major success! The same vitriol is never imposed
against Jim Furyk and Tommy Gainey where ugly abounds!

alex vwenz says:

Look at his swing? No way is he the best ball striker ever. No freakin’
way. No way did this clown hit it better than Hogan, Snead, Nelson,
Nicklaus, Watson, Trevino, Woods and numerous other players. This goofy
swing worked for him but no way would anyone teach this crap.

Kirk Junge says:

Well Moe was left handed, and possibly then left eye dominant. So if he
followed the ball more with this left eye he may appear to be looking to
the right.

Kirk Junge says:

Also, Moe did WIN 55 professional events, so if he did not have mental
toughness I wonder about the other Pros he competed against. Every pro on
Tour has his own swing, however none of them have become a legend just
because of Ball Striking like Moe did.

Tim Flaherty says:

I worked with Ken Ellsworth today who spent 3.5 yrs with Moe. I can tell
you I am hitting the ball soooo solid and he has me in Moe’s Position and
On Plane at the top of the backswing(and thru-out the swing). It is a
“feeling of greatness”.

SearchBucket2 says:

Thanks for the Upload. What are those people up to at the end of this
video? It’s a big mistake to try to copy someone’s technique and especially
their idiosyncrasies.

Samuel Howie says:

He’s brilliant, He just loves to hit balls. so going to try this watch out

Kirk Junge says:

You miss the simplicity of Moe’s swing and the reason he was the best ball
striker ever. Too bad. ;(

Boomtown1943 says:

Read the book “Moe and Me” by Lorne Rubenstein and you will find he has an
astute golfing brain.

sce toaux says:

you cant,have a look at tiger woods,worlds number 1,practices every day,and
yet when his complex swing goes wrong,it goes very wrong.this is the only
swing built for the masses,and there are pros that have adopted elements of
it to save their careers.

mavallarino says:

then why did Woods, Hogan, Price and Faldo always make an extra effort to
attend his clinics?

o higgins says:

I never said that’s what he said, I’m saying that his actions were of a
showing off disrespectful nature to his opponent even if he did not mean to
be, it’s show boating, simple as. And no I didn’t read his book but I don’t
need to read a whole book to know why he left the tour. It’s well
documented that his mental state was not 100% normal, possible autism etc
and that he simply did not like the way he was treated, another way of
looking at it is that he didn’t have the stones for it

Slick Rick says:

8:25 sound like he spanked da shyt out that ball.

Kirk Junge says:

Being shorter setting up on the same plane with your right arm and club
requires one to stand farther away at address as Moe did. Moe claims that
starting 12 inches or so behind the ball eliminated the hardest part of the
golf swing which is the beginning of the takeaway. With the driver it also
keeps the clubhead from dragging along the ground at the start because of
the forward ball position. With the single plane swing I like starting the
way Moe did, but can hit the ball well either way.

David Weaver says:

You’d be a little off center, too, if you were solidly on the autism
spectrum like moe was. Fortunately for all of us, he was somewhere on the
high functional part of the autism spectrum, though.

NeverOwned says:

Lmao “I couldnt hit crooked if i wanted to.” I could listen to Moe all day.

Vince James says:

Legendary. Moe kept it simple and dead solid perfect.

mstram says:

> All I’m saying is I hate it when people say “the best striker ever”
Obviously you never saw hit hit a ball. In his 50’s and 60’s he would be at
the Canadian Open at Glen Abbey on the practice tee, hitting “arrows” with
long irons on the practice tee, while wearing slippery leather dress shoes.
The pros would stop and gather round, watching him in awe

o higgins says:

Top level golf is the PGA or European tour, no other tour is considered top
level. It’s unfortunate that Moe chose not to play on the PGA tour, but its
because of that that he will never be remembered as a legend or one of the
greats, simple as. He may be a legend in your eyes but he will only ever be
a character in the golfing world which in my eyes is fair enough, would be
disrespectful to put him up there with legends like Hogan or Nicklaus etc
and thats what ur doing when u say legend

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