Ole Miss/Alabama–A tour of The Grove

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Golf Digest Senior Travel Editor, Matt Ginella, gives you a tour of “The Grove” and a glimpse of the Ole Miss/Alabama football game on Oct. 10, 2009 in Oxford, Miss. For more blog posts, tours of golf courses and more videos, go to: golfdigest.com/courses/blogs/mattyg.

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BEYMANification says:

RMFT! Bama national champs? 2014, 2015, 2016, etc.

TheDubstepPhenom says:

klen who has won more championships and? eggbowls? thats right ole miss ou idiot

msu15 says:

Nice 0 win? SEC season there scrub.

22huskerman says:

Ole? Miss had no black players until 1971.

TheJameezy says:

Hek? yeah!

RealPageezNigga says:

My bad didn’t? meant to post this on a state video oh wait your in the wrong place dumbass.

olemiss1ful says:

the only? mental case is Dan Mullet. national champs?. since when?. #msusucks

olemiss1ful says:

fail? state

olemiss1ful says:

hotty? toddy

dog3croom says:

its been over a 1000 days that? the Egg Bowl has been in Starkvile……

dog3croom says:

wow your? delusional

JRFrancisco20088 says:

Great college football? fans. They deserve a team that wins. The Texas Longhorns will be coming to The Grove on Sept. 15. Can’t wait. Hook’em Horns!

RockSmithStudio says:

Ole Miss =? fratty as fuck

kleen4daclub says:

Who has won 3 Egg Bowls? and about to make it 4? Mississippi State!!!

olemiss1ful says:

go? rebs go

olemiss1ful says:

go? rebs..hotty toddy

RealPageezNigga says:

Ole Miss? National Champs 2014.

hmustang123321 says:

actually the ole miss pharmacy school is above harvards. not everyone wants to be a lawyer or investment banker ya know? and please learn to read your comment before posting it… there way to many grammatical errors to even understand what half of it is saying. “you didnt specify which you school was specifying.”??? and yes different schools have different programs that makes them prestigious. not just the typical ivy league? law programs.

Alshaw33 says:

WOW, a highly regarded PHARMACEUTICAL SCHOOL?? That puts YAWL? right up there with Harvard doesn’t it? Wait, you didn’t specify which you school was specifying. Either way, I didn’t know that pharmaceutical programs are so important to school prestige.

hmustang123321 says:

racist much? stop living in the past ?

hmustang123321 says:

hmm one of the most productive and high quality pharmaceutical schools in the country, along? with its prestigious business school. yes it is a high education. thanks for your sarcastic input. do some research before trying to insult.

CJames410 says:

Hi Cathlene.?

AntiRicers says:

what a big dumbass..?

AntiRicers says:

maybe if you actually went to the school, you would know how beautiful the girls actually are and not let a couple minutes of a video decide that for you…?

Alshaw33 says:

Ah, high quality education? right there, and just a wonderful display of affluent and well to do southerners who live in an illusion of class and wealth zzzzzzzzzzzz

DeeBost5 says:

learn to spell? before you criticize other people’s reading level.

bawleroftoast says:

Roll? tide!

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