Quick & Easy way to learn the Stack & Tilt ® Golf Swing…….a beginners first port of call

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Darren Hopwood says:

Establish the “sameness” then work in the “differences” glad you enjoyed

Darren Hopwood says:

If you mean he’s not an idiot ……yes 😉

Roy Martinez says:

nice :0?

Edmund Eldergill says:

Good explanation. No waffle, easy to understand and the method has a real
underlying logic to it by concentrating on achieving good impact over
everything else.?

??? says:

Wow I like it?

Carlos Melville says:

Thanks Darren, concise & easy to remember, really enjoy the videos, must
practise more but I have noticed good results already in only a few weeks ,
keep up the good work.?

Jonathan W Golf says:

Good video. Clear and concise. Thanks for sharing.?

bobbie bobbejaan says:

Must be open very desperate amateur golfer….?

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