Rory Mcilroy FO Iron Golf Swing

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tatchy1001 says:

@nikve1 how are his starting and impact positions identical?????? His hips
have turned loads through the ball compared to square at address? Look at a
down the line view and then say they are identical!?

Drew Filson says:

Back to #1 in the world, where he belongs.?

rfahy991 says:

Looks alot like Stack and Tilt to me.?

MrRagnello17 says:

fjadsklfcmadslfjdsflkasdfa SORRY! – had to wipe my keyboard off.

nikve1 says:

yea thats a good swing, starting position and ball strinking postiiton
should be identicle. Also the back swing and follow through should be
exactly opposite, which they are. the left arm is straight the ENTIRE way
to back swing and to the striking point, then the left arm starts to bend
as the right arm is straight the ENTIRE time in the follow through, good

Pondbear swilley says:

Very disappointed in his 2013.

nikve1 says:

compare his starting and ball striking positions: 0:06 and 0:16 thats
really good!

SuperBagusindra says:

greatt swingg!!!

Mox_au says:

link it and we will lol, nobody’s gonna be bothered going to your channel
to find it

MadsHilde says:

I like how you actually spelled my name when wiping your keyboard. My name
is mads

Vetrlz07 says:

One of the three best hip moves in golf, IMO…. the other two being Luke
and Fred Couples. Rory’s hips are the fastest of the three, staying in
perfect control when he turns up the volume. This young man is really
something special.

Zulfadhli Rahman says:

Dangerous place to stand.if beginner take a shot behind 😉

Zulfadhli Rahman says:

Nike stuff wasnt good for rory..

tommy ryan says:

yeah he’s a former world no.1, u don’t need to analyse his swing dude.

Chanatip Pornsam says:


carldawgh says:

where is his ball position in this video?

Willem Corstjens says:

great swing! Check out my video of my swing


big dude in the green is about to F*** something up !!

Joseph Murray says:

Notice how at address his right arm is straight, not bent which is the
traditional advice. He also doesn’t allow the right hand to break backward
(hinge) until well into the backswing.

Isaac Italiaander says:

0:16 lettin it all hang loose

smithersandburns says:

haha, either that or shit his pants…

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