School of Golf by Martin Hall Chapter 7 – How to chip close Part 2

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jdmars011 says:

Holly looks great, great voice and she can play! Go Martin Hall!
Holly is one of the best people on the Golf Channel…and they know it.?

sltr1 says:

ill hook my cock into her vagina … hehe.? I am virgin.

Huma Allen says:

Martin Hall you are amazing!!! as a am and coach of gymnastics….i love your cause & effect teaching style….unfortunately your partner takes away from your professionalism :(…perhaps less hair extensions, less makeup and longer skirt….knowing many prof. golf women,? its hard enough in a mans world. evident by male responses below :)

Brad Hamon says:

What range? does she go to??????

Chad Faul says:

Circle her chest? area. lol

italianwjt says:

Damn she’s got a? body!

GolfTipsNow10 says:

love? golf check me out!

fradaja says:

what just? to stop a hook?…………

Minesh Patel says:

This isn’t about chipping, it’s about stopping the hook and other? lessons.

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