Senior Golf Swing: 1/2 swings for Crazy Power!!

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Close In this video Terry explains how seniors can get crash power in their golf swings without having to take a full swing.

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Larry McMillen says:

Hey, thanks Terry. Going to the range tomorrow to try this out. Might
save me my monthly trip to the chiropractor. Hope you will have a few more
words of wisdom for us older guys. Your instruction has really helped me
hit the ball much more solidly and straighter. With 90% of the instruction
on YouTube being marketed to the “flat bellies”, I appreciate you taking
time to help out the senior players. What you have done for free has
helped me more than all the lessons, books, videos I have ever purchased.

Bladnaster Naster says:

Hey, I just noticed. In all your other video’s your trigger was what
looked almost like a loosening and re-gripping of your right hand. Dont
see it in this one. Is that something you changed or is it just something
thats not showing up?
Only reason I noticed it was because it was a different type of trigger
than I had ever seen. Always wondered why.


Bladnaster Naster says:

This is pretty much all that is needed anyway. I may get a little more in
the backswing but I’m kind of restricted because of my left shoulder. I
turn back too far and it starts to click and grind inside. It dosnt take
it too long to start hurting and then if I keep it up I just end up coming
up out of my posture because my body wants to protect itself. Even without
having what would be considered a full backswing by some, I’m still easily
getting 160 stock shot with my seven which is more than enough.

Also, as you mentioned, this is just as beneficial for more than just the
less flexible. At least from what I’ve seen on the range, there are many
who overswing anyways. If they would just shorten it up a bit there would
be a lot more consistency.

Specifically with the irons, I think we are looking for constancy in our
distance, not outright distance. My clubs are +- 10 yards for each club.
Takes alot of the guesswork out of a normal shot.

I’ve hooked up with alot of old timers in the past when going out. There 7
iron may be their 130 club. Does not matter, they know what it is and
accept it. Some of them are really really good even if they dont have
great distance.

Actually, old timers are fun to play with. 300ish yard hole for example.
200 yard drive, 100 yard short iron then they putt out. Most shots right
down the middle.


Simple Swing Thoughts says:
Pamela Sarra says:

Terry, good video. When you are in slow mo, you probably do it so
automatically you don’t notice it. You do this right knee bend into the
back swing, that seems to help you.. I, on the other hand, seem to keep my
head behind the ball, but not sure what to do with my legs once I am taking
the club back. Bend the right knee while my weight is in the the left leg,
and then shift weight to the right leg as the club drops into the

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