Single plane Golf swing. The easiest most effective way to hit a long and straight golf shot!

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Learn the Single Plane golf swing at Please Subscribe to see more Setup 4 Impact (Single plane) golf videos, Moe Norman clinic videos, as well as Single Plane, aka….

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Art A says:

I would like to “Thank You” for teaching me golf again. Moe Norman’s swing
and your simple ways of teaching the single plane golf swing has been
amazing. I am hitting shots after shots with better trajectory,
straight and increased distance. To be honest, the distance has increased
by 10-15 yds with each club. I hit my first 320 yard drive the other day
:) It was very tough in the beginning and the temptation to go back to the
old ways made me crazy but I stuck with it for over a month now. If you
remember, on one of your older threads I was asking you how to correct
hooking/pulling the ball, well I figured it out after being on the
range for long hours. As you said “Keep it simple” I was 2 shots away
from the 70’s couple of days ago and I know within time it’s right around
the corner. Thank you for making me enjoy golf again. You’re truly the
Regards, Art?

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