Golf Fitness Drills – Glutes

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Mike Wood shows us an awesome golf exercise to help work the glutes – “The King of the Golf Swing”. For more golf tips, drills and club reviews visit www.Sir…

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SirSwingsAlot says:

Hey golfprogress, thanks for your comment however I am unable to provide
medical advice. You should see your Dr. or chiropractor for a proper
assessment of your ailment… hopefully your back to your normal self soon!

Golf Progress says:

Mike: Thanks for the video, that type of plyo looks to be able to develop
explosive glute power without impact to the joints that you get when you
jump off six foot boxes. My right hip is killing me so I can’t squat deep
to do those. It feels like it just needs to pop. Would you recommend I see
a PT or a chiropractor? I know TPI medical people who are also PTs but then
again Dr Greg Rose is a chiropractor.

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