Slow Motion Swings with the #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on You Tube Shawn Clement

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Close Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre and top 25 Canadian PGA Teaching professional as rated by S…

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mrjsadallas says:

I once sent you an email requesting MORE SLOW MOTION VIDEOS- Thanks!?

ranger11a says:

Great video. Why do folks call you Mr. Clemshaw??

pedromcdodge says:

The slow motion shot from behind excellently demonstrates your right elbow
tucking in on the downswing.
That could save a lot of people a boat load of slices.
Great stuff. ?

Jean-Francois Charbonneau says:

He Shawn. Nice vid. I like slow motion golf shots. I have one question and
a comment. Seeing you play both side, do you know what is the ruling for
the clubs in your bag for that? Could you have 13 right clubs and one
lefty? Also, even if it would be hard to do that on Youtube, it would be
interesting to see a round of golf and how you approach each shots, how to
play the course and manage it. Great videos on your channel, I’m pushing
every friend of minde to watch them. Take care

elanta3 says:

Hi Shawn: Great Video – I noticed when slowed down frame by frame it looks
like you line up the club at a slight heel address compared to where the
club (irons) strikes the ball – is this just my imagination? or is there a
slight heel address? I know some Professionals like Sean O’Hair heel
address with the driver.

fauzimnoor says:

7 left 7 right

Shawn Clement says:

Hey Carmen! If you go to the “golf pro lesson Timing and tempo Update” and
“Golf Pro Lesson 2008 golf swing review part 1 and 2” videos you will see
what you are writing; I say that the planting of the left heel COMPLETES

Shawn Clement says:

Hey wrfisherman! Thanks for the comment and question! I have at least 4
videos on putting! See them in the “Short Game section” of the “You Tube
Shawn” page of my website; and get my DVD too as it has a nice section on
putting and reading greens on disc #3! Once you use momentum in all shots
including and especially putting, you will become solid in every respect;
All the best, Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

I was not trying to rag on you…:) I just want to make sure people get
this picture because many think exactly like you in the sense that they see
what they see on tour and think it is the be all and end all; every last
one of these guys on tour could swing like this and perform either the same
or better becauseI was just like them 15 years ago! And Old School was a
better school that just needed to be tweaked and not knee jerked into an
overhaul that is killing golfers backs! Thanks again!

Shawn Clement says:

Well said!! Shawn

benedict madariaga says:

Hi Shawn, I’ve been struggling to be consistent with my driver. Is a “one
leg drill” and “Feet together Drill” help me improve? If yes, how should I
execute the drill, I usually see in your videos that you use irons all the

wrfisherman says:

Shawn- just played my 31st game today. 101 score, started at about 128, but
thanks to your videos and DVD almost every time my score has gone down, and
lots of good shots, but putting is killing me. Today on a par 4 on the
green on the drive-wind,dry grass your videos all helped but then 4 putted.
on 6 or seven holes today I 3 and 4 putted. HELP PLEASE!!! Thanks again for
all your wonderful help!!! Your teaching is second to none!!! Thanks again,

Shawn Clement says:

Camera angles often trick the eye; there are many that do this
however…Vijay, the late great Moe Norman, Fuzzy Zeoller etc…what
matters is where the club passes as you are swinging the club towards the
target; see “golf pro lesson distance to ball” part 2; Thank you for the
observation! Shawn

Andy Patnou says:

this is my favorite video of yours! awesome stuff.

t3n0r2009 says:

umm… i think that that is wrong considering Tiger, Adam Scott, Vijay and
many others all hit the driver on the upswing.

Shawn Clement says:

Right on Kay! Thank you so much for your great comment! Rock on! Shawn

itubeutude says:

Fair point and understandable. I did try your method one day and felt like
everything had to be in perfect harmony and rhythm to connect well. When it
was, striking the ball felt great like I was dancing. But if I over planted
or was late in the toss then it felt out of kilter. The toss, plant and
whip had to all work smoothly. I may have it wrong but it seems like it’s
very much a “feel” sequence. Whereas I’m use to thinking mechanical with my
swing. Thanks for you input.

Shawn Clement says:

You are so very welcome! Continue to let your instincts react to the
momentum of the arm-club unit swinging freely to your target! They know
what to do when you give them the feel you are looking for; Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Very hard to distinguish what is used to what degree in their method; stack
and tilt people definitely defend their method aggressively but I can tell
you that I have found some very big holes in what they do; such as how to
hit uphill shots, ball below the feet shots and even ball above the feet
shots; I really do not see them contending well at the British open or any
courses with hills like the Masters…Mike Weir won the Maters before going
to them and has not returned to his glory…Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Thanks Tim! A refined old school is the new school!! Shawn

Geoff Parrott says:

hi Shawn,your videos are great people in Canada are so lucky to have you
you have helped my game so much with your stright forward lessons. you dont
seem to be putting out new video’s is this just because your so busy,
thanks stay well Geoff

Barry Oakland says:

Hi Shawn, Thanks for the slo-mo, we need more slo-mo in my humble opinion!
It has allowed me to see what the relative positions of club hands,
shoulders and hips are to each other during a full swing. One observation,
early in the video I see you raising the heel of your leading foot on the
back swing, but later shots you don’t. Surely by raising the foot you are
losing some of the torque you are trying to create for the later ‘crushing’
unwind? Best regards, Barry

Jasper Yong says:

Excellent video! I notice that you head move at least 2 inches upward and
inward(away from ball) during the BS. I hope this is not camera angle
issue. I notice the same for my backswing after practice the perpec motion
dhrill. On the DS, you bring the head down at least 4 inches and manage to
get everything back to a good stricking position. This is something that I
haven’t mastered. Does it require a lot of timing/good tempo to bring the
head up and down by so much throughout the swing.

LKskateNC says:

good technique

TheHoyster13 says:

What drill can I do to help with my upwards hinging??

FairwayJack says:

Good point about aiming. However I aim at a point in front of 11:00 (if
ball is a clockface). This gets me hitting down and slightly out for a nice
draw. PS: I actually focus on a blade of grass…not the ball

David Schultz says:

should take the sound out and just play music so it doesn’t sound so creepy
when you talk haha

sessien says:

Mr. Clemshaw, you are the professional. I was simply making an observation.
I was offering no judgement to your skill level. To me swinging is relative
when you have the basic fundamentals. I was asking to get clarity in my own
perceptions. A perfect swing is a myth. If you are a teacher and you
perscribe something other than what you do, then it’s relavent. Hogan did
many things that most people should not do, but his concept on fundamentals
stands the test of time. Take care.

itubeutude says:

With all due respect, Vijay and especially Jack are old school swingers.
I’m not saying what you’re doing is wrong. far from it. It’s just very
different to what the new kids on tour do.

gojobi says:

Great slowmotion show! This and your DVD´s will help me to work on my swing
?! I post some results here on youtube. But you should go into the sun with
your legs :-)) Thanks gojobi

Shawn Clement says:

You can use it to put yourself to sleep! Just keep the sound off or you
might have nightmares! :) Shawn

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