Stack and Tilt (TM) Golf Instruction – Moving Forward and Extending the Spine and Arms

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This is a great Stack and Tilt golf swing drill which lets golfers feel the proper forward motion of their hips and tailbone as well as the thrusting and extending through impact to create power.

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gooddog9808 says:

As a golfer of nearly 40 years, and one who actually wins tournaments, let me tell you that this stack and tilt idea is horrible. It puts you in bad positions at the start of the downswing, limits your ability to rotate through the? ball, increases the need to have perfect timing (or you will suffer a loss of power), may lead to injury via repetition, and this is just the beginning.

ibedsmn says:

Try throwing that rock AWAY from the? green, rather than onto the green..

1danrobbins says:

I’ve begun using this system and I really am liking it. I have a bad back and this seems to be much easier? on it and I have become more consistent as well. Of course, this is just me.

nigel255 says:


PFloyd444 says:

I tried? doing this at my local course but they kicked me out :(

Dreama40 says:

does the stack and tilt method resemble the single swing plane method as used by the legendary moe? norman? please discuss!!!

ajmurphy21 says:

:44 broken back.?

nicademus2069 says:

is it ok for the? head to drop a little while titling the shoulders in backswing?

mark apple says:

good? idea.

thegolfevolution says:

A dumbell might work really well. It’s not super important that it? be gripped like a club since this is a hips, lower body, chest, and arms type of move, but it can’t hurt, either.

WishkazofTreachery says:

I’m assuming? a dumbbell would be perfect for this as it is heavy and can be gripped like a club.

MiniBlueDragon says:

I use a house brick and it’s perfect. I think the idea of “a rock” in? this video is that it’s something the majority of people have in the garden or nearby and it’s free, as opposed to having to specifically seek out a 5-10lbs weight. If money is no object I’m sure there are a lot of alternatives.

wrxjunki says:

Might be smarter to get a 5-10 lb smooth circular weight instead of trying to throw a jagged rock. Will pretty much serve the same purpose without the risk of being? cut.

FMIIunimog says:


p01argentina says:

Thanks David for sharing your knowledge and concepts.
Great? job!

DJMoonsand says:

Also I think the reason i do these things is because of my? swing plane. I swing my arms inside alot, accross my body, any help would be appreciated

DJMoonsand says:

Hey Dave i was going to try out? this swing. I have been having alot of trouble with my swing. I am tending to hit a big slice or pull or hit the ball fat? Just wondering if you had any specific tips or anything and i will try this swing tommorow at the range and hope it works. Just let me know if you have any more suggestions. I’ll try to post a video of my swing later for you to check it out.

jduncanm3golf says:

Fabulous drill/concept. Dave is the master of practical application of S&T? knowledge.

traviswhitney says:

a work out weight? works great for this.

traviswhitney says:

WOW best drill ive? found yet…

blusky121 says:

I just got started with the S&T swing, and I intend to? stick with it, but I need to get better at it. This drill will definitely help. Thanks!

usfoilist says:

Very nice explanation. Thanks Dave. This cleared up some points of confusion for me. I’m a six handicap and have been impressed by this swing. I’ve been trying it for the last two weeks and? intend to stay with it.



bikerpro333 says:

Good Drill Dave….the “high? fence” really helps the student get the concept

Best! from “Canadianpro”

jkpassage says:

This will be a great winter drill outside. Tossing the stone into a big snow drift will be fun! Once again, your videos are fabulous, especially because you are proving that average golfers are? capable of achieving great things through Stack & Tilt.

ttdietzgolf says:

Great info as usual Dave. Thanks for all of your hard work and devotion to SnT it? makes learning so much easier.

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