Take up Golf! My new golf channel YouGolf!

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Heres the link to my YouGolf channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_qiUp76XTMELi8xULApTDA.

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twoheadsup says:

Wow! All of these comments from you guys I can’t believe you all still
follow my channel. Miss you guys thanks for the love!?

Zastugueen says:

I’m not trying to recruit you, I’m just trying to share something
meaningful with you.

You a heavens gate soundin ass nigga?

KewinK0v says:

you look way older now lol… Maybe just me? ?

NoobKiller Roof says:

golf channel………….

Saber Sworn says:

I actually quit runescape recently, you were part of my inspiration in
doing so. It took up way too much time and I was even neglecting my
schoolwork because of my RS addiction. Just wanted to say thanks man?

TheDarkBurna says:

If your gonna play golf you might as well play RS… both waste your time..?

pignuss says:

I must admit you do look a lot healthier now 😀 enjoy your non rs like but
would love to see you on there once in a while ;)?

austin mushovic says:

twoheadsup we all miss you bro it was a fun time while you were a scaper?

tomppa512 says:

<3 I'll defo check it out ;D?

Faith Star says:

That moment when you see (2) next to twoheadsup, thinking wait he posted a
vid! Is he back onto runescape! and no its golf… -.-?

Dakota Bingham says:

Sean holy shit man u look like a entire new person. hope ur enjoying golf
and all uve been up to man, good to see u making new vids?

gummygus45 says:

Damn man, I can’t play golf now. It’s -40°C?

Killers455 says:


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