The Disc Golf Guy – Vlog #115 – Putting Champion Crowned at 2012 PDGA World Championships

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Weston Isaacs last three rounds to become this year’s putting World Champion in Charlotte, North Carolina. The finalists were center court while a crowd was …

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D15557 says:

Sweet! I love to? putt. Check out my putting videos.there not bad.

Steven Hansard says:

thats my? boy weston!!!

BmoreBirds22 says:

@thediscgolfguy hey I am a newcomer and u seem to know your stuff so what is the best disc or some of the best discs. I am looking on dynamic disc .net and don’t know witch ones are the best. It would be great to? hear your feedback

thediscgolfguy says:

No worries pal. I didn’t want to come across as defensive but I did want to protect my reputation so not knowing what you meant by ‘relaxed’, I was just hoping to? set the record straight. I was probably pretty wiped out physically and mentally at the time of this interview though.

Again – thanks for watching the action and for the continued support!


You? do awesome work, I shouldn’t be second guessing why you seem tired. Apologies, sir!

thediscgolfguy says:

I’m not sure exactly what you might be talking about but I feel it is worth it to me to clarify.

I spent all of Sunday practicing the brutal courses and although I was frustrated I didn’t make the putting finals, I still came out to catch the action for this vlog. I was not under the influence of anything when doing this video. Sorry if this was more formal than? it needed to be but it is important for me to set the record straight.


Disc golf guy seems a bit? “relaxed” in the vid 😉

Ryan Johnson says:

yeah,? for real. . .

unglemergy says:

thats weeeesh.?

thearaban says:

i’m swamped with work all week. hope to make it to a few of the rounds to see some? pros and high quality disc golf!

smalcome says:

cool to see someone killin’ it with a Lat64? putter!

N0Fear10 says:

why didnt they take down? the tennis court net?

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