The Disc Golf Guy – Vlog #31 – Grip Equipment – Nate Doss – Valarie Jenkins – Avery Jenkins

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Just after completing our play at the 2010 Japan Open we got the full scoop on the latest disc golf equipment that is on the verge of being released. Justin …

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Culture261 says:

@slamchains I was thinking that same thing about Val

MooTaters says:

Gorilla-Boy and Revolution watch out looks like a new high end bag
competitor is on the market.

suammooo says:

Wow. Nice bag!

Holden Straub says:

OH MY GOD! ITS TERRY!!! I see him all the time at my home course!

s Vincent says:

wish they woulda shown a close up on the side that rests on your back but
it looks sweet… what kind of warranty does it have?

Derpy Derp says:

valarie is so beautiful

rocknut11 says:

Great segments Terry, keep up the good work with the only consistent disc
golf video blog.

cfair says:

I like this bag but I’m kinda thinking I would like something larger. Do
you know if they’re considering this?

Mustanglover1202 says:

the dude that explains the bag looks unconfortable standing there, then he
throws doss’s coat on the ground. and i always laugh at the guys out there
with the stools. very funny

James Persinger says:

sounds like UFO’s are landing in the background! lol Looks like a great bag
for the pro.

atassac66 says:

I want that bag…… now

Skyler Kitchin says:

The wind freaks me out.

discplayersports says:

Being a legitimate designer, manufacturer and designer wish you the best of
luck. The disc golf bag market is niche, highly competitive and cutthroat.
The mom and pop stores of disc golf all want a ‘cheap price’ to resell your
product. It’s hard to survive without wholesaling. And beware, of thieves.
Came out with my bag a few years ago, priced it to meet a not too expensive
market where most disc golfers lie. And wham, more bag makers appeared.
Fade, Phenix, Gorilla Boy, Nut Sac, Phenix $160?

extraMAYOporfa says:

Dope bag for sure . Saw a guy with one today had to look em up foshooo

Admiral Tiggy says:

Wow! This looks like the ultimate disc golf bag! I just bought the innova
deluxe bag, I wish I would have waited. Maybe I’ll buy one down the road
when I start doing tournaments. It’s out of stock at the moment, and a bit
pricey, but heck, maybe I’ll get lucky and win one haha. This bag gets me
excited even more (If thats possible) about disc golf! Can anyone explain
how comforatable it is while wearing?

omar williams says:

im thinking about it. but i put one on during worlds and it didnt feel as
good as everyone tries to make it out to be. idk its also alittle expensive
too… idk

Culture261 says:

@Mustanglover1202 the stools are awesome, keeps your bags dry and your ass
happy 😀

Mustanglover1202 says:

@Culture261 True true, I was just at a course the other day. Afterwards we
were all chillin in the parking lot. A few guys had a stool while I sat on
the ground lol.

iota1 says:

Man… and I just bought a PDGA tour bag. This bag looks much nicer.

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