The Golf Fix: Short Game Confidence

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Michael Breed shares tips and drills for confident short game play. Watch the Golf Fix Mondays at 7 p.m. ET on Golf Channel. For more help with your game, vi…

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John Fingleton says:

What a great tip, Now i just have to execute it and believe in myself . ?

Dtyler171 says:

@Dylan Patterson
He probably is better than most at chipping, but is probably a realist and
knows that to improve, his short game is his weak point. I was like him,
but to the extreme. A great round for me I could hit a majority of greens
and still not break 90 because my short game was horrendous. That said, he
probably still has/had a better short game than me since I improved. ?

Dylan Patterson says:

man….I feel like it is impossible to basically shoot 1 over all the time
and not know how to play short shots….sounds fishy to me… but I guess
someone could be so on point with there 8 9 and wedges that they never have
to chip hahaha

Cameron Benujamin says:

Go play Assassins Creed more fag..

cj5880 says:

Did that ball just go inside the tv

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