The Hammer Golf Swing : Why Long Golf Clubs are Hard to Hit

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Why is it harder to hit longer golf clubs? Learn all the details about this golf technique in this free video clip on golf tips. Expert: Jay Golden Bio: Jay …

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hrzan says:

what is he saying??!!longer club is harder to hit!!!!????well hoooora

44slinger says:

I’ve tried this swing and it works! Give it a chance before you trash it.
This swing has less moving parts than most others I’ve tried. A simple
hammering move is all that’s needed. Timing issues are virtually
non-existant. It’s an ideal swing method for beginners and all amateurs
should try it.

AndJusticeForMe says:

No, don’t quit watching them. They are good comedy.

Brett Collins says:

I think this guy took a few hammers to the head

melisluv06 says:

Shawn Clement FTW.

Loui Cuppari says:

To All comments above. This guy has “hit the nail” on the head so to speak.
You people have sat in front of a computer and made a judgement based on a
2 min video. Get out there hit some balls and try what he says then make a
comment based on real results ,not what your imagination is telling you.. I
found the same thing independently and was amazed to see some one else had
the same idea. Its easy to see you are all high handicappers from your

Spencerftw says:

wow that may have been the worst thing ive ever seen.

William Bush says:

Jay is a PGA professional, who happens to be on the PGA’s national teaching
committee. He is considered “golf’s funnyman”, and if you understand his
creativity in using a hammer as a prop; then you can see he is talking?
about “why longer clubs are harder to hit”. This may sound simple, but
there are millions of golfers who wonder, “why can’t I hit my driver as
well as my short irons”. Some people get really upset, and Jay is saying
“don’t take it personally; it’s not your fault”.

MicrowavedHamster says:

Shaun Clement is pretty good.

ocdave99 says:

Who is this guy? Is he a golf instructor? In this video, he hit a grand
total of zero balls. All he does is say: “Hey! It’s hard to hit a longer
club!” Well, golly gee! I want the last 2:17 of my life back! Calling this
guy a hack is nice! “Oh, it’s okay to feel you suck at golf.” NO, it’s not.
I want to learn how NOT to suck. Can you teach me? No? You’re not a golf
instructor! That’s all I know. Booooooooo!

jt456789 says:

this guy is a fucking douche bag

burningflame12345 says:

mate i play off a 7 and u prob pro and i can teach much beter than that the
hammer golf swing no it is a normal golf swing and i think people no that
they can hit there pitch straighter than there driver (dickhead)

spankbutt123 says:

Lol, im right there with ya. Lots of funny golf gurus on Youtube!

rodnisimo says:


RawPower102 says:

This guy cant be an instructor hes calling the shaft a handle

nikineu feld says:

oh God I can’t get out of these…I haven’t seen a real instructor for over
20 mins

donncha0 says:

what a tit! The hammer swing works!

BobLeeSwagger94 says:

what a wanker lol

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