The Real Single Plane Golf Swing – “Little Moe” explains

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Close – A narrative by “Little Moe” Todd Graves on the simplicity, effectiveness and similarity of Moe Norman’s Single Plane golf swing to tour players, including Tiger Woods. For those currently practicing Moe Norman’s swing, this is a great review of the basic concepts. The Graves Golf Academy is the world’s foremost authority on the swing of Moe Norman, a man regarded by many as the world’s greatest ballstriker. Moe Norman told a reporter in an interview that Todd Graves, aka “Little Moe”, was the ONLY person who could teach his (Norman’s) swing. Moe’s quote, “(Todd) is only one who really knows it. Really knows it. Other guys just think they do.”. See or for more information

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GravesGolfAcademy says:

– Which Tiger swing? There have been 3-4 iterations? now.

Pez0023 says:

y would u not want to copy tiger woods swing?? ?

GravesGolfAcademy says:

Yes, often players find us after suffering through injury, and Moe’s swing, as it is easier on the body, allows? them to no longer suffer pain and injury.

GravesGolfAcademy says:

– It’s all about achieving impact correctly, and? most touring professionals are able to achieve impact with enough competence to get the ball around the course.

If they employed the mechanics of Moe’s move, they, like you, would get to impact more consistently every time.

Gradey3 says:

This swing made? my drives go from 200-250 to 250-310

Gradey3 says:

What i think im seeing is that a small fraction of people who play golf think that this is a “better” way of swinging because? it is an easier way. If it were so great, then every pro golfer would use it. Also, how are you supposed to shape shots with a swing like this.

mxlevi456 says:

The main reason of the academy is to reduce the stress on the back that is produced with a two-plane golf swing. If there is no stress on the back, increased flexibility is not needed and it is just easier to return the club back in the same spot by? reducing stress on the back.

Motown025 says:

@ GravesGolfAcademy

I wonder how the body responds to this…do you find that your players? have less golf related injuries???

drboogersnot says:

I don’t? care what any of the golf “purists” say, this swing works. I sucked for years at golf, and my dad was no better. We switched to Moe’s swing (at least in terms of setup) and both had our best ball striking game ever the very first weekend we tried it. I don’t think I’ll be going back to my old swing any time soon…

GravesGolfAcademy says:

In regards to a trade off of distance using the swing, it simply isn’t the case. It’s all about ideal club movement, and allows your body to? produce speed AND accuracy. Many of our students actually increase distance and accuracy.

Thanks again.

GravesGolfAcademy says:

Thank you for your comments.

Moe’s childhood trauma likely lead to his autistic like traits, one of which was an obsessive -compulsive behavior. He was obsessed with golf, and practiced it incessantly as a teen. He told us he had his move? mastered at age 19.

GravesGolfAcademy says:

Yes, we realize that. Funny? that to relieve the stress on his left knee, Tiger now turns his left foot out at setup. Sounds like someone we know….

Thanks for your comments.

Keith Moore says:

You do realize, that is Tiger’s old swing…He made a dramatic swing change for? a reason.

spankyelmojr says:


Hello. Thank you for posting the video:)

I’ve heard all the stories about Moe Norman…And there’s no doubt that he is a legend. I hate to sound mean…But do you think that Moe’s childhood trauma…was, perhaps, the reason why he developed an “unconventional” swing?

Watching your video…I cannot deny the simplicity of your swing theory. But…is there a trade off??? I? mean…do you sacrifice distance…for accuracy…with your swing theory?

GravesGolfAcademy says:

Interesting theory, though I’ve never seen anyone hit the? ball with their lower body.

nick lim says:

The problem here is that it doesnt really matter what swing plane? u have. Effective ballstriking is achieved primarily through good lower body control, not how the club is taken back by the hands and arms. If you were to watch all pros, you can easily find that their planes and positions vary, yet their lower body motion and position is largely similar.

hardscaperx says:

The reason I switched to a “single plane” golf swing is Butch Harmon on an interview when Tiger was changing his golf swing. Butch said Tiger was hitting over 1000 balls a day and unless you were doing that you cant hit a pro-golf shot. so I searched for a simpler way and found it, i’m no scratch golfer but I can play less often 3-5 times a? year and score under 100 every time. I count every shot and play every lie.

GravesGolfAcademy says:

If you understand golf swing mechanics based on body movement and club? movement, this is the only way to swing a golf club. Tiger Woods swing is great no doubt, he is on plane. It is all about swing plane and the simple way to swing the club on plane. Moe was unique..agreed..but he figured out the golf swing. That is a fact.

koochyman says:

i almost gave up on golf until i found natural golf. perhaps the pros should keep on with the conventional swing, but i sincerely believe that 95% of golfers would play better with this swing. it´s more accurate,? more fun and easier to reproduce. another convert!

desiskimboarder19 says:

he was very good yes. he could hit balls off pop? cans. one of the greatest of all time.

ygmondoux says:

Why Moe Norman was so good?

He is the only golfer who never? even tought about changing anything in is swing, he repeated the exact same motion each and everytime, his secret is not in his swing, it’s in how he praticed.

newtonsrock says:

In recent years I slipped from a 5 handicap to a 12 and began freezing at the top of my backswing, losing all my confidence. I was only able to temporarily ‘fix’? the problem by drastically shortening my backswing, losing huge distance and wrecking my timing..over the last 2 weeks I have taken on the single plane swing and it has completely transformed my game. I am sure that I will be in single figures again soon.Thanks for posting this video!

anthonyjcassino says:

seven? principles of golf DVD set is excellent. Good introduction video to the best golf swing out there.

dreadgolf says:

Very good info,? thanks!

tbuddha7 says:


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