Tips Plus: Butch Harmon (Nov. 2009)

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Here’s Butch Harmon’s advice for adding zip to your iron shots.

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Michael Lee says:

Fucking atupid aaa vid ever

chriskeenan1 says:

I wish this guy could bottle all of his knowledge about this game. Then I
could have a little sip every time I start a round. Good video.

DatDamKeyid says:

right… more club?? thx..

tadaa11 says:

@belknapdlg26 Thanks for what ever that was? Don’t listen to me, that’s my
point. Pros drive me crazy. They tell you to do all this CRAP and they have
no idea, most of the time, how to turn a shit golf swing into a pro golf
swing. If they cant teach you to swing like a pro whats the point? Don’t
think for a second that butch or any other teacher can have you hit the
driver 300 yards. BTW, singing easy is for shit swings, cause they’ve got
to time the chicken wing follow through

tadaa11 says:

@belknapdlg26 Wow, I made a typing error on YouTube. You are very easily
entertained. 300? Is that down hill with the wind? And yes that’s correct.
I’ve met so many 300 yard hitters, it must be a short man thing. The funny
thing is that they all seem to catch ED when they get to the course. Its OK
it happens to every guy..

Zac Engledow says:

Wow the key to hitting good iron shots is to hit the ball out of the middle
of the club….great tip Butch!

belknapdlg26 says:

@tadaa11 And what makes you such an authority on golf? Do you have pro’s
beating a path to your doorstep and have the knowledge that Mr. Harmon has?
Me thinks you’re full of shat. I’ve read both your blathering blogs and if
you think about all this b.s. when trying to hit a golfball, odd’s are
you’ll miss it completely. Four things only, hands a bit in front of the
ball, head behind the ball,eyes on the ball and smooth follow through.
Don’t make it so complicated!

edmund kim says:

I wish he’d do something about his weight. I’d hate to see someone like
that die from poor lifestyle choices.

eqmiami1 says:


tadaa11 says:

Scooping the ball is a symptom not a cause. Telling people to move there
weight forward on the down swing will not fix it and would probably cause
them to hit the ground. Most often Golfers scoop the ball because they
release the club early and this is caused by poor balance in the back and
down swings or taking the club way out outside the plane, then laying the
club off, so that there hands are on a very steep plane while the club is
below plane. Again, out off balance.

golfmaniac007 says:

but them steak and lobster taste so good…..especially with butter

tadaa11 says:

Read Below First. Don’t ever let your arm and club angle decrease on the
backwing. This doesn’t mean pick the club up! That should help your balance
on the backswing which will improve balance on the downswing. Easy
Pleasethe Out

belknapdlg26 says:

@tadaa11 huuuh? singing easy is for shit swings? cause they’ve got to time
the chicken wing follow through? what be this mean’t? good lord man, does
“spell check”, enter into your vocabulary? so let me get this into my thick
noggin’. before i swing, i should sing easy… what? maybe a mel
torme song? and then go have chicken wings at “kfc”? ok i got it, don’t
listen to Butch Harmon and i’ll be able to sing, eat chicken wings, and
drive a ball 300 yds. ok i got, no more explanation needed!

belknapdlg26 says:

@tadaa11 YAWN! here’s my advice to you……keep sitting on the couch,
you’re obviously a pro at that.

foreigntongue25 says:

Butch gets a salute from Hi King! Now listen…lol

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