Tips Plus: Sean Foley: Save your back (March 2010)

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Here are two back-saving drills from Sean Foley, one of Golf Digest’s Top-20 Teachers under 40. For more video lessons visit

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citiusaltiusfortiuz says:

You can take these? advises to the range, but expect a different impact position, so it means practice. I’ve looked into this issue, and these moves do take some strain off the lower back. Yet you should avoid excessive squatting or dipping as it would add some strain to the back. And it works wonders on your iron game, but dont over-do-it with the woods. (Dr Chevrier, MD).

fenderboy34 says:

uhm, do a little research and you’ll find out that charlie? wi won with the swing. and now that foley is basically teaching some of those fundamentals to his players (i.e. tiger and hunter), they both won. so u can shut ur mouth now. and believe me, i am by no means a fan of the swing, but i do hate it when idiots like u start talking nonsense.

brad stecklein says:

how? care to expound? keyboard? warrior!

fenderboy34 says:

haha, bullshit? just spills out of your mouth

BigMindSociety says:

Don’t believe everything you think.
tromsite? (google)

JT Thomas says:

if YOU do a little research you will see that foley got alot of his theories from andy and mike. he basically teaches S&T without the name.?

steckleinjr says:

enough? with the “plummer and bennett” crap. do a little research and you’ll find out where plummer and bennett found inspiration for their inefficient, crap swing that NOBODY wins with on tour! people who actually understand the golf swing know that science dictates the swing–not cleverly labeled marketing.

golfsmoore says:

very? well described.

1BoomerTEE says:

SEAN…well said…great tip…from the SENIORS who love your inspirations !!!
Helping the younger players with great VISION, and maximum protection from? UVB(orange photochromic transitions).

mario0159 says:

“finely tuned athletes” seems to be sarcasm. Mike and? Andy have not made “finely tuned athletes”, they have created a method, and with research that method has been proven the the extension of the spine through impact is the safest way to play golf on your back. I understand he is talking about wear and tear on the knees, and that is not true either because bending one knee throughout the swing then, straightening and extending both are not actions that have caused wear and tear on my knees.

sonicdeviant says:

Turn? the left shoulder down, huh? Weight on left leg, huh? Foley says that? I think Plummer and Bennett said that.

Michael Harris says:

Works for Tiger? apparently.

healthnut4life48 says:

The key to lowering your handicap is the stretch, check out the brand new golf? specific TRAINERmat at


E12sam12 says:

If golf digest wants to make better instructional video, they should bring the actual? teachers to explain the concepts of the golf swing and not some 45 year old duffer.
Terrible video!

spartanstackandtilt says:

Who told you the head move forward in the backswing in SandT? I agree that SandT is what the? best players have been doing for years (Mike and Andy point that out often and use examples of these players to prove their point). They teach the same swing, period. Foley calls these guys up all the time, I’m not saying he “stole” anything but come on, “head moves forward, ” good grief!

jhogolferboy says:

It’s not theft and it’s not like any of this stuff is new. Just watch Hogan or any of the great ball strikers of the previous era. They all rotated around their center without any lateral movement. Teachers are going back to the older philosophies that they for some? reason got away from.

mzmgolf says:

This is an outright theft of Mike and Andy’s bascics to “Stack and Tilt”. Take a look at the Golf Digest article from a couple years ago as well as their latest book, left shoulder down, hands in are steps one and two.

How about some credit where credit is due from not only Sean but the television golf commentators, they are? all talking about staying “Centered”. Where did you hear that recently? Mike and Andy’s literature, that’s where.

Greg Brown says:

What a rip off by Sean? Foley of Mike Bennett and Andy Plummer.

ssgolf37 says:

andy and? mike explained this first, you should know this peter you helped write the book

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