TPI Ask The Expert – Arm Strength in Golf

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How do you train your left arm for strength through impact? Commonly, athletes have a dominant side of their body. In many cases, a right handed golfer will be dominant with their right arm, which can be problematic. Lance Gill and Mark Smith have a solution for balancing your arm strength. Contributing: Lance Gill, TPI Head Athletic Trainer Dr. Mark Smith, TPI Advisory Board

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peejay3 says:

You’re not ‘pulling’ anything, just holding your left arm dominant position and turning the body. The left arm then rotates around WITH the? body.

peejay3 says:

Training the lead arm to be more dominant, and hence, the trail arm to be more submissive,? is a long process.It has to start with the mind (swing positions, swing perception, dynamics of the club, etc), then go into the grip, and then exercises. I think exercises should be performed with a golf club. Would’ve been good to have Mark demo the left arm only practice…

Tourswing says:

Left arm only shots are the way forward-much more stable as you are pulling it into impact. Anything that is pulled follows a more linear path (think of pushing vs pulling a golf cart down the fairway-which is easier to keep in? a straighter line?)

JayMark2049 says:


GarthMilne says:

Very cool video? guys.
Nice ‘outta-bounds post’ legs there Mark!

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