Uphill, Downhill, Sidehill Lies Made Easy; #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on You Tube Shawn Clement

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www.shawnclementgolf.com Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre in Toronto, and Top 25 CPGA Teacher as rated by Score Golf Magazin…

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beergut111 says:

here’s a question Shawn….I choke down at least 1″ on EVERY club and hit
everything super solid with a little draw….

Why is that??

Re Golfklubb Treningsgrupper says:

Uphill, Downhill, Sidehill Lies Made Easy; #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on
You Tube Shawn Clement?

AGameGolf says:

Part 2 The amount the ball goes left or right is dependant upon the amount
of loft that the club has that you are using. The higher the loft, the more
the face plane angle changes in response to a change in lie angle. You tube
video from club designer Ralph Maltby video ID “7bzTrKsaMbQ” and PGA golf
touring pro Roger Gunn video ID “3s4i997iy0U” clearly explain this

cambridgerocks says:

Once again, Awesome… Thanks.

AGameGolf says:

Cool. I’m all for simplicity and I really appreciate the effort you go
through to simplify the game of golf. I’m looking forward to the video!
Keep up the great work!

mdmuddasir1 says:

Wow! VERY valuable tips! (Clem, can I be your cameraman?! I’m willing to
work for free!! :D)

akiopaik says:

Thanks for the Lesson! I have been golfing for a little over 8 months (On
the course 5 times) now, and the only “lessons” I have had have been from
Mr. Clements Vids. They have been instrumental in bringing my score down
from my first 135 to a low of 104 (Shooting for the 90’s soon!). I wish I
had watched this vid before I went to Waikele where it’s ALL HILLS AND
DIPS! I will be sure to keep these tips in mind my next time out. Keep it
up Shawn!

Shawn Clement says:

You are welcome! You will be amazed at how much practicing on these slopes
will improve your swing! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Larry Nelson Started at 21, it is not like you are trying to hit a curve
ball in Baseball; the ball does not move in golf and I don’t believe in age
in this game…many burn out before the age of 17 too! But you must play a
lot! I played everyday 36 holes for 3 years between ages 15 and 18; this
will get you good in a hurry!

blouhoender says:

Shawn, I have to thank you so much. I watched your videos on the full swing
yesterday where you suggested lifting the left foot a bit and then planting
it. I then went to the driving range and shot 50- 17 yards further on every
shot, just using your tips. I would recommend you to anyone. Thanks man,
great job.

ccyr429 says:

Shawn, Are you choking up on the club when the ball is above your feet? And
likewise, choking down when the ball is below? You didn’t mention it but I
feel that I always end up choking up on the club to avoid hitting the dirt
on uphill shots… Thanks, Clint

Shawn Clement says:

Thanks for your comment; Been there already…I have been fitting clubs for
18 years and have been to Maltby, Golfsmith, Titleist, Cobra, Henry
Griffits, Zevo and more…when you are in balance and swing through the
ball, the ball will go straight…provided the clubs were properly fitted
in the first place! The issue is that golfers do not know how to balance
themselves dynamically on or off the slopes.:) Thanks anyways though, Shawn

Jose Kuhn says:

It’s me again. I got to play with the club champion at Crystal Falls TX
today. I had the ball below my feet and I was about 120 yards out with a
pitching wedge. The pin placement was way in the back . I showed the guy
how to do this shot flat footed. I hit the flag stick squarely and the ball
went strait back about 12 feet. The ball was as strait as can be. He was

Schnappss says:

Thanks. I was just out playing and I had almost that exact shot. It was a
little closer to the pin, but I basically had no idea how to hit it
correctly so I swung and I hit it sooooo thin it when flying down the slope
and right across the green and out of bounds. Not too good. This video
really helped. Keep up the good work.

Shawn Clement says:

@MrEmptyHand Thank you; I re-did them all individually as well in “Uphill
shot” “Downhill shot” “Ball above feet” and “Ball below feet”; and just add
my name to the title and it will get you there; Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

No need to do this at all! I have individual videos of all 4 of these
situations as well “Ball above feet shawn clement” “ball below feet shawn
clement” “uphill shot shawn clement” “downhill shot shawn clement” All the
best! Shawn

golfnutz99 says:

Shawn I watched your blog on golf mag and you hit on something that is
killing me and that is rolling my left foot and spinning out. Which of your
videos do you suggest to help me firm up my left side and get weight to the
inside of my left foot on the forward swing.

Shawn Clement says:

Your welcome; You must play on many good slopes in Switzerland! The views
must be spectacular! All the best, Shawn

jordan peck says:

hi shawn thanks for the response. just to ask, im 17 and play off around
25, and started playin wen i was around 16. i have a friend who is 12 and
plays off 8. he thinks i started too late to be a really good player or
even a pro, as that is his aim. do you agree with this?

MikePedersenGolfTips says:

What a cool platform! Wish I had that.

Shawn Clement says:

Aww Man! What is it going to take??…I guess I will have to make another
video for my student’s sake because they visit these videos regularly and
the pros you saw just made a poor shot from poor focus and a lack of
understanding and feel for the shots…I have a short course here where I
routinely hit with exaggerated side hill lies and take dead aim; Stay
tuned! Shawn


Shawn, thanks again for your instruction! Michael Breed can kick rocks!


bomb drivee clemshaw

AGameGolf says:

I agree completely, up to a point; For example, if a ball is 18 inches
above your feet and you’re hitting a 100 yard sand wedge with a baseball
bat swing plane because of the slope, no amount of good balance will
compensate for the club face angle pointing 20 yards to the left of the
target 😉 I’ve seen Pros miss the green entirely because they didn’t
account for that.

Shawn Clement says:

Yes, you are already in your turn; it will feel like you are going to the
right but like a stone on a string, it will get redirected down the line;
as long as your stance is parallel to your target line…check out the
“taut arms” video;

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