World No.1 Luke Donald Driver FO Slow Motion Golf Swing US Open 2011

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Luke Donald hitting it straight. Please Visit :

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munnjean says:

He’s not, it’s the camera angle, if the camera was lined up with the two
tee markers then the ball would be lined up just inside his left foot ,,
this clip is a waste of space !

cmochrie says:

he’s not the world number 1 . ben hogan is.

jongkeun lee says:

poeple keep saying #1 #1 when they say about LD. I know he is a current #1
player. Currently. OK? then Who is real #1 in the world. T W. Period.

jongkeun lee says:

@tchwiss U must be an elementry school boy who has bad influence from nasty
friends. But I am sure your mom did not teach u saying like that on

David Schultz says:

@remmy100 you’re getting very close

Mitch Martyn says:

beautiful swing

Ben Carpenter says:

It’s all in the hips, it’s all in the hips…

Drew Long says:

the shaft has just a tad bit of bend to it thats what i need in my driver.
mine is bent about 5x more so i don’t have as much control! his shaft fits
his swing speed well and that, among others, is the reason he has so much
control over the ball.

esaitta3 says:

shanked it right off the hosel!

Mox_au says:

coz he’s number one in the world and he does whatever the fuck he likes

munnjean says:

Why bother uploading this at all ? the issue is not Luke’s swing but the
stupid angle the camera is filming from ! The ball is positioned like he
was hitting a five iron ,, waste of space this cip is indeed !

sanderson9999 says:

who the fuck would ever want to see a side view of any golf swing? lol
horrible view no prespective

Mathew Farry says:

@tchwiss still dosn’t change the fact TW is the best golfer ever…. RETARD

remmy100 says:

It looks as if he throws the club at the ball. Very interesting release..

jm95054 says:

I tried this same swing and set up. Center front by 2 inches and wrist just
a bit in front of the ball. I ended up hitting it really well. Had a few
over 300 yds. I notice that the more I move the ball forward the more it
drew, hooked and then a duck hooked. I’m thinking the club face is too
closed in this set up if you move it to the club to far forward. I really
wanted to get it right inside my left heel but it kept on hooking. Moving
it center front worked for me.

cmochrie says:

i love camera angels, they’re by far my favorite angel.

sjb610 says:

i know, he shanked that one.

Gu Zhang says:

from the vedio, he hit the driver really so much like an iron. don’t know
is it because of the cam angel but the ball position was nearly in the
middle of two legs, that’s kind of different from what I learnt… his
“folding-up” at the impact is devnintely what I’m trying to learning now 😉

Christian Taylor says:

@saijinkai it looks center/front. He may have been trying to hit a
“control” drive that doesn’t go as far but goes a little higher thanks to
backspin and a little straighter

tchwiss says:

@SupremeTycoon you care what I think enough to to reply to my post on
crippled pavement ape lil eldrick wuds. dumbass

Justus Seiber says:

Maybe you should take notes instead of criticizing world number 1. Bad
angle makes it look that way, he is putting it barely behind his heel, it
gets more roll.

dukane14 says:

I agree…could be the camera angle..

James Forsyth says:

He stole my swing.

marcusdolby1 says:

@SupremeTycoon How is that? I mean hes still 4 Majors short of Jack? He
hasnt won in over 2 years unless you count that 17 player weak field shit
Chevron. Its not an official pga tournament.

stephen f says:

@jongkeunlee “Period,” by what measure? And over what period of time?

Mathew Farry says:

@tchwiss tiger woods is the best golfer thats ever lived. no one cares what
you think dumbass

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