Byron Nelson’s Ball Position

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Close In this “How To” golf instructional video, GOLF Magazine Top 100 Teacher Shawn Humphries explains how the legendary golfer Byron Nelson found the correct ball position for each of his clubs. Discover the proper ball position for your short irons, middle irons and long irons.

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elitegolfacademy says:

@stickgs You have 3 distinct ball positions. Short irons in the middle. Mid irons one ball position left and long irons and drive one more ball position. And most instructors teach the ball position more forward. And that’s old school teaching. My ball position trainer gives you the exact ball positions with every club. You should look into? getting one.

stickgs says:

Shawn – It looks like your starting ball position is near the middle of your stance? Don’t most golf instructors suggest slightly? forward of middle or just inside the left heel for all clubs?

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