Disc Golf Snap Explanation (practice take one)

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The camera ran out of disk and the wind was blowing too hard, but a lot of the core of what needs to be said is there… I will do it over, and do it better …

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dat bootwell says:


This guy is taking the time to help others with their game. Don’t be a

Kal El says:

@cansinofosho damn u dont have to be an asshole about it

ChrisAMSRocker says:

Great video but at times the wind got you. Thanks.

Jake Sartino says:

great video, I recently discovered that the snap technique is imperative to
a great game of golf. I actually have been playing two years and have been
throwing all velocity throws which i actually control the release of my
hand and end up with an open palm. with this i see that it is crucial to
let the disc actually force itself out of your hand. this is gonna take
practice to master now that i have so much experience throwing my own style
with literally no snap.

gydigh says:

that wind makes it hard to hear what your saying………

Destin James says:

Great info, but either talk louder or closer to the mic next time! Huck on!

Leo9dbass says:


Cody Stugelmayer says:

Working mainly on my timing/accuracy lately, this video has help quit a
bit. Thanks For taking the time to make it! :)

Citysmasher1 says:

There are a LOT of assholes on YouTube… This video was a first attempt…
Says right in the title… Brad

Citysmasher1 says:

please let me know if this helps.

Citysmasher1 says:

Yah, this was a practice take. That was one of the things I learned.

Jamie Schell says:

When are you going to take me to play? I wanna learn.

MyOpinionMatterss says:

I liked the physics aspect of this. No one really explained this before.

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