Golf Chipping Drill Phil Mickelson Technique

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Golf Chipping Technique and Drill to help improve your short game:) —

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okipapa619 says:

Traj??? Dork?

Jake Reddick says:

+teddy26yorks is ’26 the year you were born I take it??

john ham says:

just watch Phil instead ?

Marc Napoletano says:

you’re really frustrating to watch because you’re not funny?

Jancen says:

Where do you position the ball? How far are you from the ball? Very nice
video by the way and you are really funny!?

Daniel Hasty says:

stop drinking coffe…

jerry winkler says:

I can’t believe I was unaware of this this chipping technique. I have been
chipping with completely straight arms, no hinge in the back swing, or the
wrist break from further out. I wish it wasn’t dark n ow or I’d be in the
back yard now. I am on the verge Gabe, of finally breaking the big 80. I
can’t putt to save my life, so if I can get the ball closer then I can save
those 3 strokes I need. thanks man….

datkidnl says:

what pants are those

teddy26yorks says:

This is a perfect example of what’s wrong with kids in today’s society
personified in this guy. I need to go lie down, watching his hands flail
about like wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man is making me tired

FluxProds says:

thank you!

xXLilT216xX says:

Hey Gabe whats your handicap?

taylormade playa says:


sam gavin says:

You are the funniest man alive!!

nealblath says:

Annoying yank!

Walter Allred says:


joefonz113 says:

You may also add “when finishing keep club facetowards the sky” thnks

Sofie Kromann says:

omg your really funny! 😛 and thanks for the tips 😉

Eric Mar says:

Great vids!

Paul Smitty says:

how old are you

PureSwingTV says:

Thats Right! :) haha jk, and thank you!

Keith Ng says:


Karambit07 says:

Annoying but good job man!!! LOL

Hawksx81 says:

great video, more coming soon I hope

tyler prendez says:


Bob Messinger says:

This kid is like a young Michael Breed with a bad coke habit and I’m not
talking about caffeine or soda. Still, solid advice .

Calipolis61 says:

Again, great video! Would be nice to see one on pitching! Thanks and keep
up the good work!

divad44 says:

0:55 LOL!

Bill Taylor says:

BIngo Bango Bongo his name is Roberto Luongo!!!

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