Golf Instruction & Swing Tip – How To Avoid Topping the Ball

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This is a video segment taken from the Virtual Golf Pro featuring Stuart Smith as he discusses how to avoid topping the golf ball.

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stevenash4life says:

Ur awesome !!

Cleveland Biller says:

When did Conan O’brien start giving golf tips?

videomoms says:

Love his attitude 😉

barrat1513 says:

can u be my personal golf teacher u make it more simple than john jacobs

videomoms says:

Agree your attitude is awesome! And you are right I was looking for where
the shot was going before I even hit the ball… Keep your eye on the ball

BlackMako85 says:

I actually laughed at the first couple seconds of this video. The man knows
how to work with his audience.

GST1974 says:

Spine angle, knee flex, dropped chin and hunched back, being ball bound,
poor weight distribution between heels and toes, poor club lie angle,
etc……….. All common symptoms of mishits!

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