Golf Lesson Posture: How to Get the Perfect Setup Easily

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Free Vid: There is one fundamental in golf that is ignored by more golfers than any other, a…

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John says:

I totally agree with you…I’ve thought this for a while myself.

akaBPhife says:

Im a new sub to your channel and i have say each of these teaser videos are
annoying. I understand your intentions to use youtube as a promotion tool,
but maybe you can figure out something. Dont make videos 4 minute long
teaser videos. You not being considerate of people’s time. Golf Instruction says:

Thanks for the suggestion akaBPhife. This particular video is included with
your free membership, so you can watch it anytime you would like after you
are a free member. It is one of the 25 videos you receive free of charge. I
am also always open to any ideas or suggestions for a better way to do the
videos. Thank you. ~Clay Ballard

John says:

Btw, you have some of the best golf instruction on the web in my belief. Golf Instruction says:

Thank you, sev1114. ~Clay Ballard Golf Instruction says:

I appreciate it sev1114. I am glad you like the info. I how to see you
around the site a lot in the future. How have you been playing? ~Clay
Ballard Golf Instruction says:

Thanks, I will test it.

FitFast8 says:

No link

Chuck Quinton says:

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