Golf Swing Lessons – For Beginners How To Hit Straight: Master Teacher on YouTube Sifu Richard Silva

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Close Golf Swing Lesson. Sifu Richard Silva Black Belt and Master Teacher shows you how to hit straight drives by developing a good balance pos…

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Changan Bao says:

Balance my ass, he is not even hitting straight. Waste of my time!

megthis1 says:

Way too much time selling balance………way too little time on hitting.

Brandon Legnion says:

I just want someone on youtube to publish simple videos about small things
they do to strike the golf ball well. There are too many videos like this
with people selling their complicated crap. The game of golf is a mental
challenge, and the more people think that they have to think about, the
more tension its going to create and the worse its going to make their
swing. If I had to argue the biggest enemy in a game like this, TENSION.

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