[HD] School of Golf Chapter 16 – Eliminating the SLICE

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Jack Crichton says:

Martin? is definitely banging her when the cameras go off, that’s what his ‘extra credit’ is.

Chad Faul says:

I? <3 you Holly. lol Me and 150000 other guys.

david jordan says:

Wanna see it in HD? Hold? CTRL and type wow.

TheBagBalm says:

Roberto? Mancini.

scratchgolfermd says:

She is better? on the eyes than Creamer.

jeret001 says:

its called cockeyed…and bitch is kinda inappropriate for this lady of all sexy ladies. dont think ive ever had a harder bone…cant even swing a club…handicap…is my dick in my hand….thinking of her…cant hit a shot to save my? life.

jeret001 says:

you should consider having at least one in everyroom, i would have 3 hollys in the bedroom at all times, 2 in kitchen, 4 in living room/ rec room..and yeah…1 in each? bathroom would do.

Rodney Gabriel says:

belair510,? I didn’t realize she had eyes. And it might be *ed up, but she works it.

f0cusen says:

You need to fix the path, the vast majority of the people who slice the ball have a square face, some of them even have a closed face to the targetline but their path is to? much to the left, THE PATH IS THE PROBLEM. Always ask the question where the ball started? if the ball starts at the target or left of the target the path is the problem, Fix the path and narrow the differential between the path and the face=less tilt in the spin axis.

Alen Alenkin says:

10:15? nice…

inofbounds says:

Where can I buy one? I’m thinking? of having one in the bathroom.

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