How to Putt in Golf : The Cartoon Shot in Golf

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Learn the cartoon shot and how to improve your short game in this free video series on golf tips and techniques. Expert: Jay Golden Bio: Jay Golden has been …

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Tim Medlin says:

Anybody try this shot? I have the darn thing works and not just with a driver works great with a pitching wedge as well. Just have to work on distance? control.

NDParanormal says:

pres 9 over and over again and it? says im a duche duche duche

WaterWarfareMaster says:

0:26 – 0:29 No, NO? I DON’T KNOW.

Alex Boryna says:

I want the drugs you take!!!! 😀 😀 oo oo oo aa oo! 😀 :D? giggidy!

Vaughntheleprecorn says:

hoooo wa? ho

Troy O'Brien says:

im freaked out by this man not the crazy driver? shot he was talking about

commonsense369 says:

I don’t mean to be arbitrarily unkind, but this guy is an ass-clown.

I don’t watch cartoons, I watch videos that provide tips to improve my putting not cartoon sound effects.

When he was putting to his “imaginary”? kids, I think he thought they were actually there. Why else would he talk to them during his putting?

>>>”here Greggy”<<<<<< Are you for real? Thanks for wasting a minute- thirty two seconds.

tamaman35 says:

or? use a putting stroke with a three wood, durr

aoxomoxoa88 says:


yogocomedy says:

i think hes a? blood

Blackelite360 says:

why did you? use a driver?

austinclaytonberry says:

i aint takin advice from? this wacko

chris Reed says:

I have seen VJ Sing? do this shot more than once.

lilcanuck666 says:

thanks so much i just? tried it and got about a hallf foot from the hole from about 20 yards away

j frank says:

its called squeeze play

ben hogan made it famous just most? time he used a putter

bhlover703 says:

Lol i dont see pros do so? why would i?

QQOQQ says:

Wow…this guys a funny? one!

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