Is Technology Good For Golf Lessons AskGolfGuru

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Martin Moore says:

Good point from Ray. Please stop throwing your Ipad down! :-) I cringe every time you do it:-) look after technology :-) Re tech generally, it can only help surely. If I was paying for lessons I’d want my instructor using one. Come to think of it I’d? love a launch monitor in my back garden. How much are they Mark.:-)

Ray Lawlor says:

That iPad keeps getting? battered…

W. Jones says:

I’d say yes? so long as you know how to use the technology and analyze the swing properly.

iTechDude21 says:

Technology is only useful if you have the money to invest in a teacher who understands the numbers and the solutions to maximizing or optimizing those numbers for your swing. If you try to analyze and correct yourself, 9 times out of 10, you will most likely be unable to? do so successfully.

Mark Angryfield says:

The worst thing that ever happened to golf is video. Watching a 2D moving image causes totally confusion. The? most important thing for a golfer is for them to know what movement or non-movement of a part of their body causes good shots. This is why the game is a 99% mental.

grumpy2159 says:

video is best. when you? can actually “see” your swing it’s easier to understand what you’re doing right or wrong.

Matthew Wong says:

Great vid?

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