“Over the top” or “In the slot”: Golf Lesson by Herman Williams, PGA

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For more golf training info go to: http://www.hermanwilliamsgolf.com In this online video golf lesson, Herman Williams, PGA Professional at The Golf Academy …

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tdelaify says:

I love? this. The “Ah ha” moment for me was the clear the hips fast was a cause because I clear my hips too fast and I find I pull shots by trying to get my club to catch up to me. This definitely helps a TON; bump and drop, bump and drop, bump and drop, bump and drop, bump and drop, bump and drop, bump and drop… this is drilled into my brain!

scratchgolfermd says:

Awesome….can’t wait for more videos!?

Hank MoHank says:

To help people hold the angle starting down, I think it was Snead who said to do this think of the last 3 fingers of the left hand pulling the butt of the grip down- he said most people being righty tend to grab it with the right hand at that point, which? causes the loss of the angle. If that helps anyone..

Donnie Philbeck says:

Herman, thanks for the feedback. Got a chance to get? out and work on this move and the effect was immediate. Not 100%, but had several shot where I got the hips moving toward the target and it felt like I was just loading up my arms for the release.

It’s been a long 3-4 months with this OTT and it was nice to actually push a couple of shots today. I really appreciate the videos and how you are breaking down everything.

Got anything for 3 putt-itis? :) Thanks again!

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

I like the simultaneous, one-piece move for the start down. We usually can’t afford to wait for the arms to naturally drop down. eventually they will, but at the outset of your training you probably need to? make it happen. Good luck. Thanks for commenting. – Herman

Donnie Philbeck says:

Great video. I’m guilty of trying to turn right off the top of the swing and have been fight OTT for 3-4 months now.

I do have one question? regarding this move. Can you treat the hips forward/arms drop as a one piece move or should the hips lead and just let gravity work the arms down?

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

Thanks, Tony. Glad this? helped you. – Herman

Tony Curcio says:

I met a guy today at the driving range who told me about you. Then I met another guy who was telling me about coming down on the ball. I said, “that is what I am doing”. My swing comes in from the outside at the bottom of my swing so I know I am not hitting the ball? straight. I just watched this video and applied what you showed. And what a huge difference already. Getting that dollar bill line now. Thanks! Looking forward to watching more of your videos.

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

Yes on both counts … bump the lower body with head staying behind and even if hips are cleared open, keep the upper chest and shoulders facing? the ball at impact as much as possible. all of this assumes your back can take it. :)

harryr3ful says:

Learned from your? video as I am a 63 year old pull/slicer with not the flexibility I once had. When you bump the hips forward the head stays where it is? Also the ideal hitting position is the shoulders parallel to the target line and not open? I think I rotate the shoulders open too early. Thanks

Mark Mcphersom says:

Very helpful video and clearly explained? :-)

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

Thank you. I couldn’t imagine a nicer compliment. You? described what I think is the way all things should be taught whether or not it’s golf. None of us start out as masters of any endeavor. We need it defined, explained, demonstrated and then we should be allowed to go try it … probably expecting to be average at first, failing often, but gradually working our way towards some sort of mastery. Thanks again for reminding all of us. – Herman

Chester Micek says:

Herman is unique: he explains the jargon, then he shows what he means, and then, he shows how the less golf gifted among us can? perform the technique. That is amazing to me: In this video, he showed me the drop to the slot, and he showed me why I should bump my hips and lay the club on the table before I start clearing my hips. I’m not Camillo or Tiger, I’m just an ordinary guy.I need my own customized sequence. That was a pure teaching moment. Thanks.

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

I’m putting? it on the to-do list. Thanks.

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

Yes. The bump will help keep your spine tilted away from the? target and shallow your approach to the ball which should give you more loft.

atc237 says:

man, i’ve been fighting this for 30 years, hopefully I? can do this.

carlxlufc says:

Hi Herman, great video. I’m sure it will definitely help. Thanks.
I was just wandering about the ‘bump and drop’ technique. Would this also apply to a swing of the driver? I seem to be? hitting my driver very low at the minute, so to be able to hit higher and straighter shots with that would be amazing.

dannyfr22 says:

another great video Herman. i’ve had huge problems? with this and this literally addresses it perfectly.

William Bush says:

Herman, would you mind talking about the setup and motion for the “Power Fade” that Jack and? Tiger hit so successfully in their careers?

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

Great …? good luck!


hermanwilliamsgolf says:

Yes … great question. It is probably easiest to just swing a little over the top and try to “hold” the face from closing to get a simple fade that starts a little left and? dies to the right. Alternatively you can hit from the inside with slight open face and hit more of a push/fade that starts right and bleeds further right.

Kenneth Ong says:

Great stuff! Thanks Herman. I have been fighting a OTT swing for years. While I know and heard of this theory, but your video really give me the visual impact. Tried on the range today, WHOA! Can’t wait to hit the greens!?

William Bush says:

Herman, do you ever use the? “over the top” swing when your hitting a fade or is the motion different.

THALLOUS201 says:

Herman… This along with seeing my local PGA professional has me hitting much? better I am hit straighter shots

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

That is probably the case. If you bump too aggressively it may be causing the club? to lay down behind you. This flattening in moderation is a good thing but too much can open the face and create too much of an inside approach with the tendency to push the ball. Go with what’s working for you & good luck.


saijinkai says:

Hi Herman, I’ve been doing this and it’s helped my iron strikes tremendously. Thank you for sharing. When I try to bump then drop, I push it. But if I think of just dropping the arms, it works really well. Does this mean when I drop my hands, my hips bump automatically on? its own?

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

I actually don’t care if it moves a little, but it’s ideal to just get the midsection to move targetward. If your head does stay? back it will probably move downward a little.

kaycoth says:

Herman, when u bump on the start of the down swing does your head? move or stay in place and only your midsection move?

hermanwilliamsgolf says:

Sorry, not sure what to tell you on that one. Could be overuse, casting, etc. Try the usual stuff – ice it, rest it anti-inflammatories; then come back after doing some static? stretches bending your palm back and forth to stretch those forearm muscles on a regular basis.

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