Putting Grips How to Hold the Putter

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Christopher Scahill says:

PLEASE more putting vids mark.

Logan Wachter says:


Scooter Koerner says:

Great vid!

matthew connolly says:

Yeah I have to agree, total rubbish Mark, you have an expert there who says
10 words and you keep talking about what you do! 3 mins and people are non
the wiser how to grip the putter.

dyhwong86 says:

mark can you talk about your ‘fatso’ putter grip?

Theo Vlle says:

Really struggle with direction, I visualise the line but when I lineup in
neutral position I’m always off.. Any tips?

mrtysonpants says:

I also really tried to squeeze my last two fingers more, trying to tighten
them around the grip to have more control. seems to work great. to me
putting my hands in a neutral position always made sense but the key was
keeping them in a neutral yet strong position.

dominic padilla says:

mark can you please make a video about your nike putter if im not mistaken.
im thinking about getting a new putter, and im thinking about getting a
mallet putter. thanks

Logan Wachter says:

Child molester.

ZiGi says:

Why is that?

9tube1 says:

While I seem to have good distance and directional control on longer putts,
I am completely inconsistent from 10 feet. I may go left on one putt and
right the next. No matter how much time I spend trying to find a groove, I
have no confidence on short putts and average four 3-putts a round. Any

Jonathan says:

Try drawing a straight line around the equator of your golf ball with a
permanent marker. After you mark your golf ball on the green, replace it on
the green by aligning the golf ball line to your intended putting line.
This should help you!

Yeah says:

Mark… I live on the other side of the mar menor!!!

Jonsse says:

My biggest putting fault is missing left under 1 meter. That has plagued me
all spring and summer.

FreemasonV8 says:

Hi Mark, maybe it is the two microphones but there is a clear echo
noticable. Might be an idea to lower the volume of one track and increasing
that of the other when one is talking?

Jeff Norris says:

Mark what kind of grip is that on your putter? Thanks 4 the tips!

David Eaton says:

mark is great but I think he has ADHD

Sam Purcell says:

I use a neutral grip and don’t overlap anything. Taught that way when I was
little. I average about 28 putts a round so I’m not the best putter in the
world but I do okay.

jchelampath says:

ok guys lets get stuck in

StankPunatra says:

Double overlap cross handed for best distance control

Bernard Lai says:

the putting expert didn’t even get to talk

glenn billington says:


Tiger O'Sullivan says:

Mark please tell me that you did some on the course videos while you was

billycuth says:

I haven’t watched the video yet, but the pro I used to work for interlocked
both of his hands over the putter. I actually interlock two fingers, with
my left index finger (I am a lefty) pointing down the shaft. Putting is the
strength of my game.

Stefan Verhoeven says:

Great video as always. Question, how high should you putt the ball on the
face. Should you hover as close to ground as possible or not. I find it
when I try to fit the ball above it’s equator and touch it with the lower
part of a putter, it’s far more consistent and feels much better too. Any

Kingpin3o7 says:

Putting speed is my weakness. I don’t know if it’s tempo of swing or swing
length but a video on either wound be great!

Simon Hjelm says:

Are you at La Manga often?

Nick Baldev says:

Mark, there was a time when your videos were insightful but they have now
become utter jibber jabber. You’re waffling rather than teaching,
incredible shame.

glenn billington says:

If you want watch some of my videos to check out some technical stuff then
go to glennputt on YouTube. Mark and i will be doing more kids soon. Any
thoughts out there?

mrtysonpants says:

I was mr 3 waggle, until a few weeks ago when i started doing basically
just this they are talking about. Now, i’m holing everything.

Michael Widget says:

Glenn, you should probably create and upload your own video. I’d be more
than happy to watch it.

itubeutude says:

when you interview someone, you need to let them speak.

901deano says:

He’s the putting expert not you, ask HIM how we should be putting

Wda0216 says:

Let him so the talking Mark! !!! As a matter of fact. .. hold the camera!

Steve Evans says:

Aarrgghh!!! At last somebody is telling us how to hold the putter… :):):)

Sam Purcell says:

@9tube1 the best thing to do is practice those things to you feel like you
can’t stand up straight. Just like basketball, the more you see go in, the
more confident you get. So practice, buddy, and make sure you follow
through on those short ones. That usually causes some inconsistency when
you don’t make a full stroke. Hope that helps you some!

John Malihi says:

FYI, they are the latest id you like of the thicker larger grips, I have
the supersoft slim, which is the same as the one mark is using. They have
helped my putting stroke to keep the hands and wrist steady, no assisting
by either right or left hand , flicking action. Hope that helps.

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