Ralph Maltby – Iron Lie Angle (Expert Golf Advice)

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Golf Equipment Designer, Author, and Speaker Ralph Maltby discusses iron lie angle and proper lie position. More expert advice at www.ralphmaltby.com

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oldschoolnewshit says:

As long as the clubs you’re using somewhat close to fitting you it’s not a big deal. Lie angle is just about the sole of the club laying flat on the ground at impact. So if you are around average height then clubs should already be close to that. If you are tall or short then you might want to change or bend your clubs.

Your lie angle shouldn’t? change as you progress.

chilnvilan says:

At what point does a new golfer have his/her ‘swing’ down to? the point where they need to worry about lie angle? I am new to golf, and I feel that I don’t have a ‘swing’ down yet. Will my lie angle change as I progress?

Knightfall316 says:

Thank you! now i understand what the hell that means?

AnaphylacticSpock says:

Thank you Mr? Maltby! You made that very easy to grasp.

MrTanker10a says:

Maltby is interchangeable with GolfGalxy…He is THE best… I am the proud owner of one of his shaft with? my 5 Fairway Woods…
Great instructive video!

Jay Kay says:

So to really drive the point across, does this mean that I should technically have a more of an upright lie angle at initial address and my natural swing should change this upright lie to a flat lie at impact?

– Makes sense to me, I’m asking because I just got a new set of cast irons and cannot adjust them very much but I seem to have exactly what Ralph is talking about in this video.?

hd4ms says:

as good a video as you’ll ever see… gets right to the? point.

orpflog says:

Perfect explanation…Ralph Maltby is a clubmaking genius.
Well done?

cdoght says:

this is very important because a toe down can cause a slice of? heel down can cause a hook

AGameGolf says:

understanding the physics and mechanics involved in hitting a golf ball? definately help you to create a better golf game…good video.

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