Sean Foley: Get On Plane

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If you don’t have enough external rotation, it’s impossible to get the club parallel line with your target. Sean Foley, Golf Digest Teaching Professional dem…

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Patrick Lee says:

Once you know the fundamentals you don’t need an instructor anymore, that’s just laziness. You need to “own your swing”>How the hell do you think Hogan did it? He worked his butt? off!! Hogan said “One day I found my swing plane”…

golferguy985 says:

butch harmon taught him the swing that tore up his left knee…supposedly tiger has a lot of beef w/ harmon for? that

earthshine2k says:

Yes. and if you look at what Foley (and Bennett and Plummer) teach, you’ll see that Nicklaus and Miller’s reverse C is the result of that aggressive lateral shift and upward thrust of the pelvis / lower body, just like they talk about. So, how? is the case open? The swing is not so different. You just want it to be.

liam ross says:

he doesn’t teach stack? and tilt golf are you dumb?

Nick Tannahill says:

Do you even know? what the fuck you’re talking about

Jon Stedron says:

Shawn does not teach stack and tilt and none of his tour pro students are stack and tilt swings. They just have tighter rotational swings, no lateral head shifts in backswings like a lot of other pro’s? do.

Bluecrew27 says:

Hey guys, started a blog to chronicle my journey to become a scratch golfer. If you could please take a second and just give it a look, I’d appreciate it and hey if you enjoy it, please come back!? Thanks, site is bluecrew27 . wordpress . com

Mark Tanner says:

hes teaches ” stack and tilt” golf…thats what Tiger? does

Shogun Assassin says:

He? used Reverse C, as did Johnny Miller and golfers of his generation. Different swing – case open.

Theclassiccarnut says:

Tiger? should have never left Butch H. Tiger would have surpassed Jack by now if he stayed with him.

Eric Kaplan says:

Really. Two of his students, both noted for how good their swings are, were in contention in an extremely difficult US? Open and one of them won it. Overrated, sure

leonard9712 says:

ha his golfswing looks exactly as lee westwoods golfswing :)?

CaribSurfKing1 says:

Fred? Couples and jack Nicklaus are prime examples of not very flexible right shoulders, but used their bodies to get out of the mess at the top!

David Schultz says:

he shows how to test for it at 0:12. if you can’t raise your arms out like he did and get the arm to rotate backwards behind your ear line without having to bend your back, you are limited. across the line might be? the problem, but the root cause of the problem might lie elsewhere. since the swing is a dynamic motion, it’s best to start from the start. is your takeaway in good shape?

Charles Grego says:

this was very informal and there was no real description of how to get from? “across the line” back into “the slot.” drive the body towards the target line is the only description of how to correct an “across the line issue”

Konrad Gekko says:

you? are damn right! his videos are helping me a lot to understand my swing better.

earthshine2k says:

Nicklaus was? across the line, and drove the lower body. Case closed.

Theclassiccarnut says:

? Sean is over rated. Tiger is the reason why people (mass population) listen to him

Gary Lewis says:

Great video. I think my shoulder has limited movement to, which is why I probably still get across the line. It is great to see a video that gets into flexibility issues? rather than just explain a move that one might not be physically capable of doing. It would be nice to have a test that we could use to test our range of motion in the shoulders.

Golfingsamurai says:

I? am very impressed with this video because Sean in one minute demonstrates why he has surged to the top…
1) He identifies a cause to the hypothetical student issue (external rotation limitation)
2) He provides a solution that allows the student to work with what the body will allow
Too many of us PGA Professionals fail to identify causality and fail to teach individuality via function. Thank you, Sean.

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