Sh*t Golfers Say

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Celebrating the game’s amusing vernacular: See how an assortment of phrases and exclamations comprises the soundtrack of the game we love. Special thanks to Rio Pinar Country Club, Orlando, Fla. Cast: Cy Cyr, Ryan Totka, Phil Armijo, Robert Walker-Braunchaud Produced by Sam Weinman and Craig Kotilinek This video first appeared in the May 2012 digital edition of Golf Digest Magazine

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Watch our video on the best? ways to cheat at golf:)

rabbitmanish says:

“”That’s the worst I’ve played in years!” We’ve? all said it!

Ewen Grant says:

god dammit.? Right pace, wrong line!

Dustin A says:

62 ON THE BACK?? i? know that feeling.

happygilmore06 says:

I love playing both. Very mediocre at both.

I have at least broken par at disc golf playing course? pars, not everything as a 3.

happygilmore06 says:

This video is effing classic.?

Dustin A says:

I play a ladies ball,? better compression.

Cian389 says:

“i hate? this driver” lol

Nate Abernathy says:

Disc golf is better

millerdoghh says:

is it just me or does? the “my wife is gonna kill me” guy look like g mac…

Jon Gough says:

lol fun to see? golf digest not take golf so seriously

Disbandz says:

yeah I play? a ladies ball, better compression.

Kelly Sanderson says:

Worst I’ve played in? weeks!!!

happygilmore06 says:

Are? you playing a pinnacle?

lonestarthepwnstar says:

theres a 13 year old girl that? has a +4.5, don’t get so cocky skippy

skippy. pederz says:

im 13 and off of a handicap of 7.9 and ive? said alot of this. for instance ive had my driver cut down for the hell of it and i cant get on with it so i hate my DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!

TheAdawg12345 says:

Its scary how true this is?

Joseph Yi says:

Haha i’ve literally heard or said 95% of? these

?????? ? says:

????? ????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???….

bill toms says:

“the worst ive played in? years” -classic

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