SKLZ Gold Flex Golf Swing Trainer

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Close One of my favorite training aids. And its much less expensive than the orange whip. Buy through my affiliate link and ge…

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CmnS3nse85 says:

Remake this video without the stupid camera making that noise. I really
wanted to hear out the video, but I couldn’t stand listening for even 20
seconds, yet alone 2 minutes. ?

mjrdog says:

What the hell was all that noise??

oldhounddog57 says:

Too much background noise!?

Nancy Walker says:

The camera noise is so annoying that I missed most of the words that came
through so faintly on my laptop. Too lazy to put on headphones, and
besides, I didn’t want to hear the camera clicks again…?

Golf Life says:

Looks exactly like the Orange Whip?

Richard Selznick says:


pw5490 says:

Camera clicks the whole time and everyone but their dumbasses realize it. ?

Chris Perilli says:

It sounds like the camera’s autofocus is on and is constantly trying to
re-focus on the moving components in the frame. Disable the autofocus and
manually focus on the spot where you’ll be standing, and you shouldn’t have
that problem.?

Eaton Beaver says:

I didn’t hear anything you said because of that noise. Is it a camera?

Age Defying Golf says:

ayang315 Thanks for the question. The difference between the two different
sizes is primarily meant to accommodate for a persons height. Over 5″6: use
the 48″ length, under 5’6: use 40″ length. Also consider that the 40″
length will be slightly lighter due to the shorter shaft length, but not by
much. Ryan

Eaton Beaver says:

Just watched the video again, now I think I hear a dog barking.

Eaton Beaver says:

What the hell is that noise in the back ground, it’s driving me crazy. I
can’t sleep, I just keep hearing that goddamn noise.

Age Defying Golf says:

Sorry Eaton Beaver, that noise is the camera. We couldn’t figure out why it
was doing that.

ayang315 says:

What’s the difference between the 40″ version and the 48″ version? Does the
longer one help with longer clubs? Or is it strictly depending on my
height? Thanks!

Jonathan S says:

It is the camera trying to focus…dumb thing. You can see it zooming in
and out slightly trying to focus on him.

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