Stretch to a Great Hip Turn; #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on You Tube Shawn Clement

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Close Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre in Toronto and Top 25 CPGA teacher as rated by Score Golf Magazine…

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Zamri Cheabdullah says:

Thanks Shawn. I started golf a year ago and my score now is in the low 90s.
And you’ve been my teacher all along even though you didn’t know me! I’m
pretty sure there’s more like me out there. May the Almighty give you more
of everything. You’ve shown a true spirit of sharing where otherwise you
could easily charge all these for money. God bless you. Take care.

kbkesq says:

Your videos are fabulous. I’m going to buy the DVD right now. You deserve
much success for sharing top quality information like this. Thanks!

Shawn Clement says:

Well Said! Thanks for the comment! Shawn

mcginty85 says:

shawn im having trouble with my takeaway, my wrist keeps breaking as i
start my take away, have u ne drills u cud suggest 2 get me out of this
habit? thx

Douglas Cabler says:

Shawn, cet exercice semble comme lui me donnerait un meilleur arrangement
de jeter les bras au loin dans la prise d’élan comme le medicine-ball. Je
devine que l’idée même de l’oscillation est d’avoir une sensation de
traction en utilisant pour accroître et attacher.

Shawn Clement says:

Of course! This goes without say; we were talking about (I think) how a
toned muscle can add more mass and elastic collision factor to the strike
with professionals; Shawn

SA2137 says:

the pros hit the ball far because they release the club properly. 95% of
amateurs dont release the club properly . We think we are but we are not.
When you relaese the hands properly the ball goes a great distance without
swinging hard

Shawn Clement says:

On my website, watch the following videos: “Leverage Power”, “Fine Tuning
the best drill”, “Hogan Power Move”, Hogan Power Drill” and you will
understand that with leverage, things will happen naturally; Thanks for the
comment, Shawn

77745554 says:

thats a great drill i live in ireland but cant find that equipement anywhere

Shawn Clement says:

Yes! You Bet! Have a look at my “Downswing Weightshift”, “swing Sequence”,
“sequence Power Drills”, “One Leg Drill” and “One Leg Back to 2” videos.
They are all on my “you tube Shawn” page of my website listed in the video
description; Shawn

molsondrive1970 says:

How about practicing “martial arts” punches with your right arm to the left
side to the wall (I’m lefty). Is that a good exercise? :-)

Ben Blackshaw says:

causing me to come over the top. Could you please help??? I am sick of this
problem and if i haven’t worded it correctly then please say so.. its hard
to explain.

Jasper Yong says:

Shawn, Great video! Do you have similar excercise for the downswing to the
follow-through position? During the downswing, I felt a lot of tense muscle
in my hip when I turn the hip and maintaining the protude position at the
samee time. This tense muscle result in me losing the protude position. Is
this the flexibility issue? Any exercise that I can do help improve
flexibility? I did try to open my left foot a quite a bit to reduce the
tension. It still doesn’t work well.

take2limit says:

Hi Shawn – I have been playing golf for several years, going back and forth
between an “arms and hands’ type swing and the swing you are aproponent of.
I love the imnprovement by adopting your swing, however, I am experiencing
lower back pain. Have any of your students experienced the same? Is it
somethin I may be doing incorrectly in the swing? By trhe way. thank you
for the videos, they are great.

tha99 says:

I gotta say this is one of my favorite drill. I am doing this everyday. You
should feel the right backswing feel with this drill as you can’t let your
weight move outside your right foot, or you will lose your balance.

runningpop says:

Good video, i have a question though, ive been watching tiger lately and
ive been noticed he doesnt follow through on most of his iron shots, do you
know why?

Li G says:

I wonder how much more power and compression one can gain by training the
proper golf muscles to peak state. Maybe that’s the secret to how Camilo
Villegas can hit every bit as far as the taller pros.

Shawn Clement says:

Yes; it depends on the shot he is trying to hit; it has been very windy
lately in the 2 events he has played in and the low follow through is his
body language for keeping the ball low (his low stinger shot); great
question! Shawn

dogsarefun2 says:

Shawn, I have watched all your videos and I don’t remember you ever
discussing lt arm/lt hand (for righties) position when addressing the ball.
I know you mentioned clubhead position in the center of stance and if the
clubface is aligned correctly at the target it would position your hands
correctly too. Right or Wrong? I see some pros with a straight arm/shaft
all in line and others with a bow/bend (hands moved toward center. What is
the ideal position for a iron and wood shot. Thanks

chm97chm97 says:

Is this the same as “woodchopper’ with the cables at the gym? TIA….There
are a number U tube videos on woodchopper.

Shawn Clement says:

@molsondrive1970 You bet! Play a game of horse shoes from your golf set up
too; great way to feel the body clear so that you don’t take out a knee
cap! :) Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

C’est exact! Tres bonne observation! Une fois que la sensation de rotation
est imbibee dans le systeme, on peut ensuite abandonner le controle du club
a la force centrifuge et hop, une chose de moin a ce preocuper! Merci
beaucoup du bon commentaire! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

@teckyongyt To time this and feel this properly, go to my “Serious Speed”
and “Horse shoes and Lassos” as well as my “one leg and feet together
update” videos; you will see what I mean! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Hey McGinty! Have a look at the following: “Golf Pro Lesson Takeaway and
starting the swing”, “”” “” “” Golf Swing Medicine”, ” “” “” “” Momentum
Toss” part 1 and 2″, ” “” “” “” Timing and Tempo update” and ” “” “” “”
Perpetual motion drill”; be aware of the feel of the backswing when
swinging back from the follow through and focus on the feel of it when
executing the swing; stay away from thinking about body parts and
positions! Shawn

golfnutz99 says:

Shawn could should one concentrate in pulling with the lower body or does
it happen natural. I am current fighting swinging too much with my
shoulders vice lower body. I do not want to enforce an otp move. Thoughts?

SA2137 says:

@clemshaw we also dont move the hands correct , if your not moving your
hands the right way on the down swing then you are done ,. You can play ok
golf without knowing the proper way , but never consistent. I think people
should focus on the hands more then anything in the swing. sounds easy but
it is very hard to get the hands in teh perfect motion to release teh club
correcct/ by the way youa re an incredible teacher.

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