Student Video Responses – Anchoring The Left Shoulder In The Golf Swing

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Simplify your golf swing by anchoring your left shoulder to create the axis point for a powerful and repeatable golf swing. Learn this skill and more with personalized instruction at the Jim…

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Jay Chang says:

Do I need to rollover the hands at the impact??

John T says:

the fun house camera angle is nauseating.?

fiveshorts says:

Frikkin genius.
What we all want now is a straightforward, totally immodest demonstration
of you hitting the ball with power. The No.1 objection I get when I try and
“sell” this philosophy to “died in the wool” golfers, is “how can there be
any power without a wind up and a twist and back-to-front drive?”. No one
believes it’s possible. So throw your gauntlet down and SHOW some poeple
how wrong they are.

Noel Daof says:

Yes, sir! Great lesson!
Also, I like to imagine that I have an added weight on my left shoulder, an
anvil, or anything with weight to help me secure my left side on the

Jim Venetos Golf Academy says:

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