The Golf Swing Shirt Commercial featuring Padraig Harrington- “Best swing trainer ever invented !”

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In this commercial, Three time major champion Padraig Harrington gives an interview and explains why he loves The Golf Swing Shirt,

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If you are a serious golfer, intent on playing better, please give it a try
! Cheers, Ray


You obviously are mis informed.

joseph dooley says:

I had one just like that in my local mental asylum ……Never even crossed
my mind to try and play golf in it….imagine been seen on a course wearing
that ffs

Gareth Quirke says:

Funniest thing I’ve ever seen


Thank you ! Please give this award winning golf swing trainer a try if you
want to become a great BALLSTRIKER !

Brent Stewart says:

I actually thought this was a joke. But f(&%k no, it the real deal! The
amazing thing about golf is take totally normal people, tell them you can
save them two strokes and get them doing some whacked out voodoo. And not
only that, you can even charge them 3 easy payments of $19.95! Harrington,
I hope this helped off your gambling debts.

relegation6pointer says:

The greatest ad ever!

Catchy Title says:

Was this one of those ads where you thought Harrington was taking the piss
out of himself but then it turned out he was actually being serious? I
mean, I thought the golf swing shirt was some crazy prank when I first saw
this. In fact, I’m pretty sure this whole video has been a prank.

Brian Oliver says:

Can we really trust this guy after the Optilase fiasco?

GeneralSherman64 says:

its not a joke! i was shit at golf till i tried this. now im the master!

pclarkeo says:


Gubba King says:

Pure cheesy but fuck it, I think I want one!

bovenip says:

Jeez Harrington, are you that hard up for cash?


Boven rip .. Have an open mind and give it a try !

infinitedivisibility says:

what a terrible ad! funny as shit though!

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