The Golf Swing Weekly Fix Plain Sway and Fat Shots

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Greg Profitt says:

Love this guy but what is “Getting stuck in”?

tillsy23 says:

I just wish i could remember all these tips last week I started hitting fat
shots because my instructor spent an hour telling me to hit more in to out,
the shots did straighten up from a slight draw bias but obviously I was
hitting the ground first, I was trying to move the ball back a bit or
narrow my stance and even taking a solid lower body stance through out the
entire swing.
Do you ever think that some PGA instructors can give lessons based on how
their swing works, not yours??

VapourRubz says:

Brilliant drill with the two canes Mark. Will definitely be trying that

FedorMachida Last says:

Excellent tips! Thank you.?

Allen Burdett says:

would it be reasonable, in my practice swing, to try out the different
angles of the shaft relative to the ball (in that each club has a different
length and angle ??

Roli Rivelino says:

Waaay too much info?

theboss878878 says:


Harry Downing says:

hi Mark, seen lots of your videos, and just wondered if i could have some
help. I recently videoed my swing and compared it to many tour pros, and i
noticed they keep the heads on the back swing extremely still. However, my
swing on the back back seems to dip a bit so i was wondering if you had
some sort of drill? thanks

Ronald Sauer says:

hey mark what low spinning high launching shaft do you think works for the
rbz driver for a guy who hits it 250 260 on average

tcrexes says:

Hi Mark – it would be very interesting to hear your thoughts about 1-plane
vs 2-plane swing an

Gavin McGuinness says:

Having the “fat shot” proplem at the moment. Going to try your suggestion.
My back swing is quite high so I think it is more likely going to be an
issue with me not shifting my weight on to my left side enough. Thanks for
the tips Mark.

failandprevail says:

Mark please review the Ping G20 fairway wood.

rayjonesmusic says:

Wow, my entire swing is all wrong. Watched myself. My hips sway wildly
laterally backwards causing me to get out off of my core. The result is
shanks and blocks. Wow, it’s going to take me forever to rebuild my
swing… Darnit. Back to the range, I suppose. Thanks, Mark.

Robert Locati says:

Mark – Your videos are great. I struggled at the range last night and then
played a round today. I watched this video before my round this morning and
realized I was swaying on my backswing, causing inconsistent contact. I
focused on the tips you gave and had my best round of the year, a 78! Keep
up the great work.

Nick Casella says:

mark can I send you my swing ?

Aviationlover100 says:

Mark i think you made a mistake in the title ! youve put Pane sway. i think
it should be plane sway?

Nick Casella says:

you sound like your from london

Robin Johansson says:

Hi Mark. Love your videos. I need some chipping tips. It seems that I
eather top the ball or duff it because I’m “scared” somehow. I hip irons
from 170yards closer than my chipshots from 10 yards, which is kind of
disappointing. thanks

Kevin Hare says:

Mark! I swing right handed but throw lefty. I have the same problem as one
of your swing fixes. You may notice I left a video on your facebook wall a
few days ago. Do you have any special swing thoughts for me?

Craig Dixon says:

Hi Mark. Thanks for another video on swing plane. Is it absolutely crucial
to have a shallow downswing? I’m only just over 5 feet tall and have a very
steep downswing (As a result of starting with the hands and arms). I have
been working on getting my hips to fire first as you suggest and this is
helping but i’m still too steep. I have also been trying the Ben Hogan pump
drill but however hard i try, i can’t seem to get my hands down enough.
Could this be related to my height?

Johan Johansson says:

why is chris evans making golf videos?

Mark Crossfield says:

plain can differ for different players yes. But this is a text book way of
hitting a safe swing plain.

Patrick Kaa says:

Yeah, I’ve discovered i had a problem with this, these are great tips ans
will give them a try tomorrow

RizzoB93 says:

didn’t your plane change on your back swing after you did the drill when
you hit a shot? Does the plane not vary for different players?

gmonkey808 says:

@ 10.50. When you talk about lean I think this might be because some people
can see players backing towards target before the backswing. If you swing
with the left arm and are preparing to pivot around left leg by using your
ass as the counterweight I can see why this happens. Have I got this all
wrong Mark?

mcdijnh2 says:


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