Tiger Woods Top 5 Bizarre (but awesome!) Golf Swings

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Tiger Woods Top 5 Bizarre (but awesome!) Golf Swings from 1 Step to Better Golf http://www.1steptobettergolf.com . See our other videos featuring golf instruction tips, beautiful women golfers,…

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Kurios Kaleb says:

0:37 haha?

Patrick Michael says:

It’s no wonder his body is in absolute shambles. No one can make this many
crazy, unorthodox swings and not have a negative impact on their body. Not
even Tiger?

Michael Doyle says:

half of those were of his own doing though. He has to change his style now
he is older.?

David J says:

1.02…I have never seen such a daft move and pose in golf since Maurice
Flitcroft! I am in hysterics!!!?

WildlifeObsessed says:

Crap sequences. Crap guy. Crap Golf. Crap videos.


ABW – “Anybody but Woods”?

FullTimeHypocrite says:

was it worth the back problems? doubt it?

? t?? ????? ?? ??t ???t??? ? says:

Nigger can golf?

DMac4077 says:

Quit doing that ! :P?

1 Step to Better Golf says:

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